New Book Compares Theology of Garvey and Cleage, Jr.

Congratulations to Cardinal Aswad Walker, adjunct professor of African American Studies, who recently published Princes Shall Come out of Egypt: A Comparative Study of the Theologies and Eclessiologies of Marcus Garvey and Alber B. Cleage Jr. (Kendall Hunt Publishing, 2012). Cardinal Walker is the pastor of the Shrine of the Black Madonna #10 of the Pan African Orthodox Christian Church in Houston, Texas, and author of Weapons of Mass Distraction: And Other Sermons for a New World Order (iUniverse, Inc., 2004).
Cardinal Walker holds a master of divinity from Emory University's Candler School of Theology ('98). Prior to attending Emory, Cardinal Walker earned a B.S. in Advertising from the University of Texas at Austin ('88) where he co-edited The Griot, UT's Black student newspaper.
Cardinal Walker teaches several courses for African American Studies, including: AAS 2320: Introduction to African American Studies; AAS 2330: Black Liberation Theology; and, AAS 4330: The Black Church in America. He also works as senior writer/editor for Texas Southern University.
Book SynopsisPrinces Shall Come Out of Egypt: A Comparative Study of the Theologies and Ecclesiologies of Marcus Garvey and Albert B. Cleage Jr. celebrates the theological, ideological and program contributions to the movements for equality and empowerment for Blacks the world over by two giants of African and African American history who have yet to receive their just due—Marcus Mosiah Garvey, founder of the largest Pan-African organization the world has ever known, and Reverend Albert B. Cleage Jr., the "Father of Black Liberation Theology."
Marking the 125th anniversary of Garvey's birth, and one year removed from the centennial celebration of the birth of Cleage, Princes Shall Come Out of Egypt compares what these men believed about the nature of God, humanity, Jesus, salvation, the role of the church, and the issue of authority, and how their beliefs shaped the development of the Black Power-focused institutions they built and the people and movements they influenced. In so doing, this book provides the first published glimpse into the growth and development of the church founded by Cleage in 1953—the Shrine of the Black Madonna—a Christian fellowship that has practiced the tenets of Black Liberation Theology for nearly 60 years.
Along with providing readers with an insightful and creative historical perspective on Garvey's and Cleage's views about the divine in relationship to Pan-African empowerment, Princes Shall Come Out of Egypt also gives voice to these two leaders' theological takes on contemporary issues and topics such as 1) the state of Black leadership, 2) the cultural war in Black America to define authentic Blackness for the 21st century, 3) the neo-conservatives' colonization of Christianity, 4) the Barack Obama presidency, 5) the Occupy Movement, and more.
Princes Shall Come Out of Egypt lends itself to courses in multiple disciplines, including Africana Studies, Religious Studies, Sociology, History, Urban Studies, Political Science and U.S. and Global Race Relations. Please contact Aswad Walker at regarding using Princes Shall Come Out of Egypt in your upcoming classes. The book will be published this fall by Kendall Hunt Publishing.