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Said Sultan Al Hashimi


Said Sultan Al Hashimi
Ph.D. Candidate in Modern Arab History
Advisor: Abdel Razzaq Takriti
Major Field: Modern Arab History
Minor Field: Transnational History
Research Interests: Anti-colonialism; Imperialism; Revolutions and Resistances in Oman and Arabian Peninsula
Publications in Arabic:  Oman: Human and Authority, A Primer to Understanding the Modern Omani Political Landscape (2014)
Novels and Prison Literature in Arabic: “If the Trees Fell in Love”; “The Shadow’s Lullaby”; “What the Cell Left Behind for the Rose: The Papers of a Prisoner in 2011”; “Jasmine of Absence: Letters from Solitary Confinement”; “Omani Spring: Reading into the Contexts and Significance”; The Sacred Valley Infantries: Studies and Readings in Sufi Life in Oman 
Undergraduate: Political Sciences and Economics, University of Kuwait, 1999
M.A.: Strategic Studies, University of Aberdeen, 2006