Strategic Policy Lecture Series

“…Africa cannot afford to wallow in underdevelopment
in the century of innovations and great possibilities.
Strategies must be formulated to launch Africa
into political and economic freedom—and this is our goal.”
-Mr. Emeka Chiakwelu, founder and principal policy strategist, AFRIPOL
February 9, 2015: Strategic Policy Lecture I: Joseph H. Ringer, Senior Business Development Officer for Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank) based in the Southwest Region
11:00 am -12:00 pm, Agnes Arnold Hall 210, University of Houston, Texas 77204
Keynote: Joseph H. Ringer,
Senior Business Development Officer, Export-Import Bank of the United States

A series of lectures on trade, e-commerce, telecommunications, leadership and politics in Africa.
The Strategic Policy Lecture Series is a joint initiative by the African Political & Economic Center (AFRIPOL) and the African American Studies program at the University of Houston to provide University of Houston students and Houston-area communities with high quality humanities programming, discussions and symposia around contemporary issues of trade, e-commerce, telecommunications, leadership and politics in Africa. Through this initiative, AFRIPOL and African American Studies will provide the following benefits to UH students, faculty, and community participants:
- An introduction to the historic and regional nuances that impact trade, commerce and politics in Africa.
- A platform to facilitate inter-economic dialogue between African and African American communities.
- Exposure to first-hand narratives of the social, political and economic challenges and opportunities that face African countries through discussions with leading business persons and elected officials.
- A contemporary understanding and review of the role that trade and commerce play in promoting interdependence among African and African American communities.
AFRIPOL is foremost a public policy center whose fundamental objective is to broaden the parameters of public policy debates in Africa, and to advocate, promote and encourage free enterprise, democracy, sustainable green environments, human rights, conflict resolutions, transparency and probity in Africa.
The mission of African American Studies is reflected in the larger vision of Black, Africana and African American Studies departments and programs’ commitment to the development of knowledge of people of African descent in America, throughout the greater Diaspora and on the Continent. Since the summer of 2003, the African American Studies program has assisted over 100 University of Houston students in obtaining study abroad experience in West Africa.