About Us

When UH’s Center for Public History (CPH) and the University oh Houston Libraries collaborated to create the Houston History Archives, part of their mission included a repository for oral histories that tell stories of the growth and development of the Gulf Coast region from multiple points of view. To that end, the UH Oral History Project in CPH trains undergraduate and graduate history students to research Houston history and conduct interviews with Houstonians about the city’s past. Topics have included civil rights, diversity, culture, energy, the environment, medicine, hurricanes, civic leadership, and more.
To search by topic and learn more about this collection, you can visit the finding aid by clicking here.
Some interviews are only available at Special Collections at the M.D. Anderson Library at the University of Houston, however, over 500 of them can be found online by clicking here.
In addition, CPH has collected oral histories on Hurricane Harvey, the San José Clinic, and the University of Houston for its centennial that are being processed to send the archive. For information on those interviews, please contact us directly, at houstonhistory@uh.edu.