Coastal Plains Graduate Conference Program
Friday April 5 11:00-12:00
Welcome address and lunch, Upstairs in Roy G Cullen
Revolutionary Composition Pedagogy, Room 109
“Unraveling Satirical Arguments: Using The Onion in the Composition Classroom”
James A Miller, Lee College
‘The Revolution Will not Be Multiple Choice: Teaching Controversy in the Talking Points Era”
Jason Pitruzzello, University of Houston
“The Classroom is the Focus: Addressing Multiculturism in the Public College Writing Course”
Bruce Martin, Lone Star College; University of Houston
“Counting the Coast of Student Swirling”
Lane Fletcher, University of Houston
Gender and Race, Room 105
“Infectious Revolutions: Gender, Science, Identity and Humanity in Herculine Barbin: Being the Recently Discovered Memoirs of a Nineteenth-Century Hermaphrodite”
Jessie Casteel, University of Houston
“Reconstructing the Homeric Heroic Archetype in James Joyce’s Ulysses”
Nicholas Prontka, Houston Community College/University of Houston-Clear Lake
"Must We Mean What We See?: Ambiguity and Anxiety in the Novel"
Kerry Dickenson, Texas Woman’s University
“Racial Ambiguity, It's Not Ours to Label”
Natalie Malin, Texas Woman’s University
Feminisms, Room 105
“Emily Melville’s Revolt: Oppression, Revolution and Feminism in William Godwin’s Caleb Williams”
Karen Furuset Jensen, University of New Orleans
“Experiencing Ovarian Dropsy: the Nature of Progress in an Incurable Disease”
Katie Truax, University of Edinburgh
“Female Author’s Agency Regarding their Disillusionment with Socially Prescribed Domestic Norms: a Brief Review”
Natalie Malin, Texas Woman’s University
“Why Romance Matters: Empowering Ideas in the Historical Romance”
Cristen Hamilton, University of Texas-Dallas
Character Revolutions: Identity, Room 109
“Aleksandr Vampilov’s Drama Duck Hunting: The (In)different Character in the Different Theatre. Phenomenological Analysis of Viktor Zilov’s Revolution"
Alexandra Yazeva, Strasbourg University
“Idylls of the King as Adaptation: Author’s Identity, Guinevere’s Identity, and the Round Table”
Caitlin Brenner, University of Houston
“Irreferential Revolution in ETA Hoffman’s The Golden Pot”
Lindsey Randolph, San Houston State University
Research Pedagogy: Panel Presentation, Room 109
Panel Presentation: “Reframing Expectations: Changing our Approach to Teaching the Research and Writing Process”
Kerry M Creelman, Kristen M Feist, Christina H Gola,
University of Houston Librarians
Conditions of the Modern World, Room 105
“In Fincher we Trust: an analysis of Myth in the Film Version of Fight Club”
Chris Varela, University of Houston
“Neuromancer and the Cyberpunk Revolution”
Paul Liberato, Texas A&M University
“Revolutionizing the Canon (again): Transnational Faulkner and Geographic Scale in Absalom, Absalom!”
Mark Sursavage, University of Houston
Keynote speaker, Room 104
"Students' Researched Writing: Reconfiguring the Teaching Agenda"
Dr. Rebecca Moore Howard
Reception, Downstairs in Roy G Cullen
Saturday April 6
Breakfast- Downstairs Roy G Cullen
Keynote Speaker, Room 104, Dr. Natalie Houston
"Digital Humanities and the Future of Literary Study: Evolution orRevolution?"
Revolutions in Pedagogy: Culture and Composition, Room 109
Panel Presentation: “Practical Magic: Infusing Popular Culture into First-Year Composition”
Geneva Canino, Sarah Fish, Natalie Stigall, University of Houston
Death and Trauma, Room 105
“Death Imagery in Octavio Paz’s Blanco”
Monica Salazar, University of Texas-Dallas
“Revolutionizing Sound: Analyzing Music and Silence in V for Vendetta”
Michael Baker
“Between Immanence and Transcendence: Levinas’ Ethical Encounter in Posthumous Film”
Charles Hicks, University of Texas-Arlington
Lunch-Upstairs Roy G Cullen
Myth and Religion
Room 109
“The Fates of the Pyncheon Women: Hawthorne’s Revolutionary Application of Norse Mythology in The House of the Seven Gables”
Amanda Reynolds, University of Houston
“The Luminous Woman who Revolutionizes the World: Revolutionary Girl Utena’s Judeo-Christian Roots and her Gender Revolution”
Erin Bullok, Texas A&M-Commerce
“Durer, Baldung-Grien and Goya’s Images of Witchcraft”
Marina Botros Jenkins, University of Texas-Dallas
“The Whiskey Priest, the Lieutenant, and the Kingdom of God in Graham Greene’s The Power and the Glory”
Ryan Pederson, University of Texas-Brownsville
Gender and Revolt, Room 105
Panel Presentation: “Gender Roles and Revolt in the Text”
“I was like nobody there’: Revolting Against Gender Roles in Jane Eyre”
Brett Carol Young, University of Louisiana-Lafayette
“Common Christs and the Evolution of American Christinity in Supernatural and Buffy, the Vampire Slayer”
Laura Holder, University of Louisiana-Lafayette
“Loneliness and Revolution in Tess of the d’Urbervilles”
Marie Hendry, University of Louisiana-Lafayette
Digital Revolutions
Room 109
Panel Presentation: “Embrace the Digital Revolution: Engaging in the Transition”
“Bringing Social Applications into the Classroom”
Chris Foster, Sam Houston State University
“Retention in the Online Classroom and Training the Teachers”
Kim Davis, Sam Houston State University
“Supplemental Assistance is Available on the World Wide Web”
Kim Rayl, Sam Houston State University
British Romanticism-Literary Revolutions Room 105
“That wagon does not care for us’: Wordsworth’s Picture of the Laboring Poor Amidst a Social and Political Revolution”
Amanda Dellett, Sam Houston State University
“The Conscious Distance Between Human Beings: The Poetry of CK Williams and Robert Haas”
Mark Allen Jenkins, University of Texas-Dallas
“Be then the Bard of thy Country’: Charles Harpur’s Indebtedness To and Revolt Against British Romanticism”
Amy Potter, Sam Houston State University
Revolutionizing Pedagogy: Technology in the Classroom, Room 109
“Using Mobile Modules for University Education”,
Amir Bar, University of Houston
“Melting Pedagogical Walls: How to Embrace Multi-Modal Classroom Practices”
David Ensminger, Lee College
“Emerson’s Internal Revolution: Emerson’s Intuition as Rebellion Against Globalization and Pegagogical Facebook Possibilities”
Meryl Bazaman, University of Houston-Clear Lake
"A Skyline of Jarritos Bottles: Re-envisioning Multimodal Composition through the Politics and Practices of Rasquachismo."
Sara Cooper, University of Houston
Revolutions of the Law, Room 105
“The Irish Soldiers of Mexico: a Study in the Cycle of Censorship”
Maria Garcia & Gary Ervin, Lee College
“Exploring the Bawdy Court Ethos in Measure for Measure’s Design: Putting the Church Court’s Newly Stringent Laws Governing Sex and Betrothal on Trial”
Cynthia Greenwood, University of Houston
“The Rhetoric of Self-Imposed Apologia: an Exploration of Two Testimonies”
Tiffany Eurich, Regent University