Faculty and Advising

Dr. Carla Ferrell
Clinical Assistant Professor
Office Number: 115 Cameron
Phone: 713-682-1538
Fax: 713-743-9860
Email: cdgoins@central.uh.edu
Dr. Kevin Haubrick
Didactic Program Director and Clinical Associate Professor
Office Number: 233 Cameron
Phone: 713-743-1698
Fax: 713-743-9860
Email: khaubric@Central.UH.EDU
Dr. Tracey Ledoux
Associate Professor
Office Number: 104 K GAR
Phone: 713-743-1870
Fax: 713-743-9860
Ms. Ann Svendsen-Sanchez
Clinical Assistant Professor
Office Number: 117 Cameron
Phone: 713-743-9587
Fax: 713-743-9860
Email: acsvends@Central.UH.EDU
Ms. Claudia Scott
Dietetic Internship Director and Clinical Associate Professor
Office Number: 207 Cameron
Phone: 713-743-4025
Fax: 713-743-9860
Ms. Kirstin Vollrath
Professor of Practice
Office Number: 213 Cameron
Phone: 713-743-9840
Fax: 713-743-9860
Dr. Cynthia Y. Yoon
Assistant Professor
Office Number: 104 GAR
Phone: 713-743-9840
Fax: 713-743-9860
Adjunct Faculty
Ms. Caryn Honig, Adjunct Lecturer
Academic advising is every student’s best source of information about academic programs, procedures and sequence of taking courses at the University of Houston. Academic advising services are a vital aspect of the university's active commitment to student's academic success. Thus, the university expects all students to participate in the academic advising process throughout their careers at the University of Houston.
Requirements for Declaring a Major:
All students must initially enroll in the BS in Human Nutrition and Foods, Nutrition and Fitness Track and apply for admission into the ACEND Accredited Track or the Nutritional Sciences Track. Admission requirements for these tracks include Junior Standing.
For the ACEND track, Students must complete CHEM 1311/1111 (formerly CHEM 1331/1131) and CHEM 1312/1112 (formerly CHEM 1332/1132), NUTR 3101, and a minimum of 12 hours from the DPD course list with an average GPA of 3.0 or higher to declare the ACEND subplan. All attempted DPD coursework will be used in GPA calculation for the ACEND admission process.
GPA will include transfer GPA and UH GPA. The highest grade received for the course will be used in the GPA calculation.
For the Nutritional Sciences track, a 3.0 cumulative GPA is required.
Admission application is available through the Health and Human Performance Academic Advising Center.
Helpful Hints for Selecting Courses
Some information to help you plan your courses and to help prepare you for dietetic internships.
Plan your courses carefully with the help of the nutrition advisor - don't wait until the week before school starts to plan your semester schedule. Do you have a copy of your degree plan? If you don't, get one on file now. If you have a copy of your degree plan, get it out once a semester and review it. Plan your future semesters now.
Try to complete the chemistry and anatomy & physiology courses by the end of your sophomore year. You will achieve higher grades in nutrition courses, if you complete the sciences courses first. Your last year at UH should be spent completing the major nutrition courses and obtaining experiences in various areas of dietetics (a vital component for getting into a dietetic internship).
Courses like Medical Nutritional Therapy have specific prerequisites. Make sure you have completed those prerequisites before enrolling in that course. The prerequisites are there for a purpose and if you have not completed them you will most likely not perform well in the course or the instructor may drop you from the course.
When planning your semester load, think about your current GPA. Most dietetic internships and professional programs require a minimum GPA of 3.0. If you are nearing your junior year, you want to make sure you can obtain this GPA. If this means taking fewer courses, then do it. Too many students take 18 and 20 hours their last two or three semesters trying to finish their degree. This typically results in poor performance for those last semesters and makes obtaining entry into a professional program very difficult. If you have less than an overall 3.0 GPA, seriously consider taking 12 hours maximum.