Faculty and Staff
Natalia Milanesio
Professor of History

Phone: (713) 743-3113
Email: nmilanesio@uh.edu
Office: 565 Agnes Arnold Hall
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Prof. Milanesio's teaching interests include modern Latin America, twentieth-century Argentina, Peronism, consumer culture, women’s history, history of sexuality, popular culture, food studies, gender analysis, and working-class history.
Research Interests
Prof. Milanesio’s current project is a history of violence against women in twentieth-century Argentina.
Selected Publications
- El destape. La cultura sexual argentina después de la dictadura (Buenos Aires: Siglo Veintiuno Editores, 2021).
- Destape: Sex, Democracy, and Freedom in Post-dictatorial Argentina (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2019).
Winner of the Conference on Latin American History (CLAH) 2020 Bolton-Johnson Book Prize for Best book in English on Latin American history
- Winner of the 2020 Best Book in the Humanities, Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Southern Cone Section
Winner of the 2020 Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies (RMCLAS) Judy Ewell Award for Best Publication on Women’s History
2020 Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies (SECOLAS) Alfred B. Thomas Book Award Honorable Mention for the best book on a Latin American subject
Workers Go Shopping in Argentina: The Rise of Popular Consumer Culture (Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 2013).
Winner of the Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies (RMCLAS) Thomas McGann Book Award for the best book published in 2013.
Winner of the 2015 Book Prize in the Social Sciences by the Southern Cone Studies Section of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA)
Cuando los trabajadores salieron de compras. Nuevos consumidores, publicidad y cambio cultural durante el peronismo (Buenos Aires: Siglo Veintiuno Editores, 2014).
- Winner of Argentina’s Academia Nacional de la Historia 2017 Honorable Mention for Best History Book published in 2014-2015.
”Sex and Democracy: The Meanings of the Destape in Postdictatorial Argentina,” Hispanic American Historical Review, Vol. 99, No. 1, February 2019, 91-122.
Winner of the 2020 Western Association of Women Historians (WAWH) Judith Lee Prize that recognizes the best article in the field of history.
Winner of the 2020 Kimberly S. Hanger Article Prize awarded by the Latin American & Caribbean Section (LACS) of the Southern Historical Association
“Masculinities, Consumption, and Domesticity under the Perón Era,” in The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin American History, edited by William Beezley (New York: Oxford University Press, 2019).
“Consumo y peronismo,” in Atlas del Peronismo, edited by Pablo Stancanelli (Buenos Aires: Capital Intelectual/Le Monde Diplomatique, 2019), 28-31.
“Descamisados, Divitos y mucamas. La vestimenta como expresión de estereotipos y ansiedades de clase durante el peronismo” in Pasado de moda. Expresiones culturales y consumo en la Argentina, edited by Susan Hallstead and Regina Root (Buenos Aires: Edhasa, 2017), 188-200.
Editor “La historia del consumo en la Argentina moderna,” Dossier Programa Interuniversitario de Historia Política No. 90, October 2016, http://historiapolitica.com/dossiers/dossier-la-historia-del-consumo-en-la-argentina-moderna/
“A Man like You: Juan Domingo Perón and the Politics of Attraction in Mid-Twentieth-Century Argentina,” Gender and History, Vol. 26, No. 1, April 2014, pp. 84-104.
“The Liberating Flame: Natural Gas Production in Peronist Argentina,” Environmental History, Vol. 18, No. 3, July 2013, pp. 1-24.
Winner of the 2013 Leopold-Hidy Prize for Best Article in Environmental History given annually by the American Society of Environmental History (ASEH).
“Food Politics and Consumption in Peronist Argentina,” Hispanic American Historical Review. Vol. 90, No. 1, February 2010
Winner of the 2011 Sturgis Leavitt Award given annually by the Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies (SECOLAS).
Translated into French as “La politique alimentaire et la consommation dans l’Argentine péroniste,” IdeAs. Idées d'Amérique 3, 2012. http://ideas.revues.org/425
“Peronists and Cabecitas: Stereotypes and Anxieties at the Peak of Social Change” in The New Cultural History of Peronism: Power and Identity in Mid-Twentieth Century Argentina, edited by Matthew Karush and Oscar Chamosa, (Durham: Duke University Press, 2010).
“The Guardian Angels of the Domestic Economy: Housewives' Responsible Consumption in Peronist Argentina,” Journal of Women’s History, Vol. 18, No. 3, September 2006, 91-117. Special Issue on Material Culture and Consumption edited by Clare Crowston with comments by Victoria De Grazia.
“Redefining Men's Sexuality, Re-Signifying Male Bodies: The Argentine Law of Anti-Venereal Prophylaxis, 1936,” Gender & History, Vol. 17, No. 2, August 2005, 463-9
“Gender and Generation: The University Reform Movement in Argentina, 1918,” Journal of Social History, Vol. 39, No. 2, Winter 2005, 505-29. Special Issue “Kith and Kin: Interpersonal Relationships and Cultural Practices” edited by Richard Ivan Jobs and Patrick McDevitt.
“Del poblado precario a la ciudad opulenta: Representaciones del pasado urbano y debate historiográfico en la década de 1920 en torno al surgimiento de Rosario”in Beatriz Dávilo et al. eds., Territorio, memoria y relato en la construcción de identidades colectivas (Rosario: Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario, 2004), 293-303.
“La ciudad como representación. Imaginario urbano y recreación simbólica,” Anuario de Estudios Urbanos 2001 (Azcapotzalco, México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 2001), 15-33.