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2015 Department Newsletter published!

The History Department has produced its first newsletter!  Look for future editions every May!  Please send your news to the Director of Library and Technology, currently Professor James Schafer:  Thank you to all who shared news...

Dr. Zarnow receives an NEH Summer Stipend award for 2015

Dr. Leandra Zarnow has been awarded a National Endowment for the Humanitites (NEH) Summer Stipend for 2015 to complete research and writing for her book manuscript, entitled "Passionate Politics: Bella Abzug and the Promise and Peril of the American Left."  Summer Stipends support individuals "pursuing advanced research that is of value to humanities scholars, general audiences, or both."  The award supports "continuous full-time work on a humanities project for a period of two consecutive months."  These awards are highly prestigious and competitive, with only about 8% of applications earning funding.

The Department of History faculty congratulates Dr. Zarnow on her latest accomplishment.

Dr. Ramos receives the China Residency Program Fellowship from the Organization of American Historians (OAH)


Dr. Raùl Ramos has been selected to be a participant in the China Residency Program on Western History sponsored by the Organization of American Historians (OAH) and the American History Research Association of China (AHRAC).  This project, funded by the Ford Foundation, allows the two organizations to sponsor a teaching seminar in China for graduate students and junior scholars.  The program also includes a component that will allow three Chinese scholars specializing in U.S. History to attend the OAH Annual Meeting in St. Louis this Spring and to go on an spend a week or more in residence at an American university.  This year's teaching seminars will be held at Renmin University in China.  Dr. Ramos will receive his award at the OAH meeting in St. Louis and travel to China this Summer.

The Department of History faculty congratulates Dr. Ramos on his latest accomplishment.