
Francesca D’Alessandro Behr
Professor of Classics and Italian Studies
606 Agnes Arnold Hall
Phone: (713) 743-3043
Email: fbehr@central.uh.edu
View CV
Education | Research Interest | Selected Publications | Affiliations and Links
You can find all my qualifications and some of my publications below. It is a great pleasure and honor to teach at the University of Houston. I hope you will take one of my courses !!!!
- Ph.D. (2000) State University of New York at Buffalo
- Faculty of Arts and Letters
- Department of Classics
- Dissertation Title: “Apostrophe, Irony and Death in Lucan’s Bellum Civile.”
- Dissertation Director: Martha Malamud Special Field: Women’s Studies
- M.A. (1997)
- Special field: Greek Literature
- Advisor: Prof. John Peradotto
- Cumulative GPA: 3.9
- Undergraduate Studies Università degli studi di Roma “La Sapienza”
- (1988-1991) Faculty of Letters and Philosophy
Research Interest
- Epic, Gender Studies, Reception, Satire, Narratology, Comparative Literature.
Selected Publications
- Article: “Lucan’s Cato, Joseph Addison’s Cato and the Poetics of Passion” in Companion to Lucan, ed. Paolo Asso, Brill 2011.
- Article: “Archetypal Encounters: Circe and Odysseus in the Imagination of a Renaissance woman artist,” in ed. H. Frendo, The European Mind: Narrative and Identity (Vol. I & II), Malta: Malta University Press, 2010.
- Article “Open Bodies and Closed Minds? Persius’ Saturae in the Light of Bakhtin and Voloshinov,” Oxford readings in Persius and Juvenal in the series Oxford Readings in Classical Studies, edited by Maria Plaza (Göteborg University 2009)
- Article: “Consolation, Lamentation, Philosophy and Gender in Lucan’s Bellum Civile 8” in The Philosophising Muse: the Influence of Greek Philosophy on Roman Poetry, ed. Myrto Garani (general editors of the series Stratis Kyriakidis and Philip Hardie), Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [forthcoming]
- Book: Feeling History: Lucan, Stoicism and the Aesthetics of Passion, Ohio State University Press, 2007.*
Affiliations and Links
- UH Women’s Studies
- American Philological Association
- Texas Classical Association