Thangavel Vijayalakshmi

Visiting Professor of Tamil Studies, Department of Modern and Classical Languages
Ph.D. University of Kerala
Office: 612 Agnes Arnold Hall
Contact: tvijayal@central.uh.edu
Biographical Summary
Dr. Thangavel Vijayalakshmi is a Visiting Professor of Tamil Studies at the University of Houston under the auspices of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations, India. She is an Inspiring teacher, academic writer, theorist, folklorist, poet, storyteller, translator, orator, women’s empowerment trainer, dubbing artist and above all a good human being. Presently she is offering Tamil Culture courses for students at UH.
Apart from her regular M.A., M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees in Tamil Literature she has obtained Master’s degree in English Literature and Bachelor’s degree in law. Her range of publications included 27 articles in peer reviewed journals, 27 chapters in books, 9 authored books, 15 edited books and 4 translated books. She is also a regular participant in national (90) and international (21) seminars where she has presented papers. She has organized 22 academic events. Apart from 13 M.Phil. students, 10 scholars have been awarded Ph.D. degrees under her supervision. Considering her knowledge and vision in curriculum and syllabus design 5 universities have nominated to their board of studies. She has served as chairperson, convener, member, etc. in more than 40 academic bodies. Among her many accomplishments, she has propounded a “Tamil literary theory” and constructed an “approach for feministic theory” and compiled a “Tamil- Malayalam dictionary” (1700 pages). These three are pioneering contributions in the fields and considered her most major achievements.
Apart from her academic contributions, she served as Director of Student Services at the University of Kerala for 4 years and as Head of the Department for 3 years. Her contribution in the Senate has also been largely acclaimed.