
Jing Zhang
Instructional Associate Professor
Chinese Studies
661 Agnes Arnold Hall
Phone: (713) 743-0926
Email: jzhang2@central.uh.edu
View CV
Jing Zhang obtained her Bachelor and Master of Arts degrees at Peking University; her MA degree is World Literary. She has been teaching Chinese language courses at all levels at UH since 1999. She has taught intensive Chinese courses at the 4th level advanced I & II at the Summer Chinese School, Middlebury College, Vermont, 2010.
Jing worked as a higher education administrator and an academic advisor for both under graduate and graduate programs in the Department of Western Languages and Literatures at the Peking University for 14 years prior to her work at UH.
Jing actively participated in the faculty-led Chinese Study Abroad Program at UH since 2004, and served as a resident director of the program in 2007,2008,2011. She has been an advisor for UH student’s organizations for more than ten years. Her students won the 1st place of the Chinese Speech Tournaments for college students both held in US and in China. She is an AP Chinese reader since 2007 for the College Board, she served as the team leader for 2008, 2016 and 2017. Jing won the Ross M. Lence Teaching Excellence Award at CLASS, University of Houston in 2015 and in 2016 Jing won the Provost Teaching Excellence Award at the University of Houston.
Elementary Chinese I
Elementary Chinese II
Intermediate Chinese I
Intermediate Chinese II
Chinese Composition and Reading
Advanced Chinese Conversation
Chinese Culture through Film
Chinese Society and Culture through Modern Literature
Chinese Culture through History
- Translated Book
2009 A Letter to Teachers-- Reflections on Schooling and the art of Teaching by Vito Perrone from English to Chinese. The Educational Science Publishing House, Beijing, China.
- Book Chapter
2000 走出孤独--《百年孤独》的神话原型:《圣经》“Out of Solitude”: “One Hundred Years of Solitude” and “Bible”, a book chapter in 孟庆枢,李毓臻,钱林森《西班牙-高扬斗牛士之剑》,《二十一世纪世界文化热点》丛书A Series of Hot Topics of 21st Century World Culture, pp 449-491. Ji Lin Photographer Press, PR China
- Book Review (Dictionary)
2008 “List of selected Chinese Characters” A Cross-Reference Guide to the Chinese Characters. Routledge Publisher, UK
- Article
1998 “Structure of One Hundred Years of Solitude&rdq acuo; , Foreign Literature , Peking University Press, Beijing, China
- Coeditor
1997 “Handbook of Educational Administration of Undergraduate and Special Courses of Peking University”. Peking University Press, Beijing, China
- Columnist
“Learn Chinese Language and Culture", North America Edition (学语文北美月刊, 初级). Yu Wen North American , Educational Publishing Center, Cambridge, MA, US