LACASA - University of Houston
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Global CASA/LACASA Publications at the University of Houston (UH) is a project of the World Cultures and Literatures (WCL) and Latin American Literature sections of the Department of Modern and Classical Languages (MCL) of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS); it is also affiliated with the UH program in Latin American Studies and with WCL’s future graduate options. Casa means “house”; but it also stands for “Cultural Activities and Studies Arena.” MCL’s Global CASA and LACASA (Latin American-Latino/a CASA) seeks to develop and promote publications dealing with world and Latin American cultures and literatures, as well as with theory, criticism and cultural creation in the age of globalization, Empire and new social movements.

Our projects provide student and junior faculty training in manuscript evaluation, writing, translation and editing, as well as in book promotion and distribution. Usually we seek international co-publishers of our work; we also try to place works with other, larger publishers, and, when possible, provide partial subventions for those publications. We welcome proposals and inquiries at


LACASA Series in Latin and Central American and Latino/a Cultural Studies and Globalization

Series in Pre-Post and Post Positions