Bruno G. Breitmeyer, Ph.D.

Director of Visual Cognition Lab
Developmental, Cognitive, & Behavioral Neuroscience
Center for Neuro-Engineering & Cognitive Science
Ph.D., Stanford University
Heyne Building, Room 229E
Research Interests
- Visual selective attention
- Perception of Motion
- Visual masking explorations of the dynamics of unconscious and conscious form perception
- Parallel pathways in visual processing
- Visual function in schizophrenia
- Research methods and design
- Visual perception
- Visual perception and visual art
- Biological basis of behavior
Selected Publications
Breitmeyer, B. G. (2010). Blindspots: The Many Ways We Cannot See. New York: Oxford University Press.
Tapia, E., & Breitmeyer. B. G. (2010). Role of task-directed attention in nonconscious and conscious response priming by form and color. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 36, 74-87.
Ansorge., U., Becker, S., & Breitmeyer, B. (2009). Revisiting the metacontrast dissociation: Comparing sensitivity across different measures. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62, 286-309.
Breitmeyer, B. G. (2009). Visual masking. In P. Wilken, T. Bayne & A. Cleeremans (Eds.), The Oxford Companion of Consciousness, pp. 418-421. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Breitmeyer, B. G. (2009), Perception: Unconscious influences on perceptual interpretation. In: W. P. Banks (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Consciousness, Vol. 2, pp. 159-173. Oxford: Elsevier.
Kafalıgönül, H., Breitmeyer, B. & Öğmen, H. (2009). Effects of contrast polarity in paracontrast masking. Attention, Perception & Psychphophysics, 71, 1576-1587.
Breitmeyer, B. G., & Hanif, W. (2008). "Change of mind" within and between nonconscious (masked) and conscious (unmasked) visual processing. Consciousness and Cognition, 17, 254-266.
Breitmeyer, B. G., Herzog, M. H., & Öğmen, H. (2008). Motion, not masking, provides the medium for feature attribution. Psychological Science, 19, 823-829.
Breitmeyer. B. G., Koç, A., Öğmen, H., & Ziegler, R. (2008). Functional hierarchies of nonconscious visual processing. Vision Research, 48, 1509–1513.
Breitmeyer, B. G., Tapia, T., Kafalıgönül, H., & Öğmen, H. (2008). Metacontrast masking and stimulus contrast polarity. Vision Research 48, 2433-2438.