Pedro Gutiérrez Revuelta, Ph.D.

Professor of Spanish Literature
Office: 428 AH
- Ph.D. in Spanish Literature – University of California at San Diego (1984)
- B.A. in Literature (Licenciatura) – Complutense University of Madrid (1977)
Positions at the University of Houston
- Chair of the Department of Hispanic Studies, 2013-18
- Professor of Spanish Literature, 2017-present
- Associate Professor of Spanish Literature, 1991-2017
- Associate Chair and Undergraduate Director of the Department of Modern and Classical Languages, 2003-06
- Interim Chair of the Department of Modern & Classical Languages, 2001-02
- Undergraduate Director of Department of Modern and Classical Languages, 1996-98
- Assistant Professor of Spanish Literature, 1984-91
- La palabra de Pablo Neruda (1960-1973): Acción y poesía junto al pueblo . Co-author Manuel J. Gutiérrez. Salamanca, Spain: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, November 2020.
- La Colonia del Retiro (Memorias cursis de un niñobien). Madrid: Ediciones Endymion, 2015. Reviewed by Carmen Alemany Bay, “La Colonia del Retiro.” Boletín del Centro de Estudios Iberoamericanos, Universidad de Alicante 8, julio-diciembre 2016, pp. 44-46.
- Pablo Neruda. Yo respondo con mi obra (conferencias, discursos, cartas, declaraciones) 1932-1958. Co-edited with Manuel J. Gutiérrez. Salamanca: University of Salamanca Press, 2004. Reviewed by Asunción Escribano, “El compromiso humano del poeta.” Pliegos Yuste. Revista de cultura y pensamiento europeos 3, 2005: 128-129.
- Filípicas: Cartas desde Las Batuecas. Madrid: Huerga y Fierro Editores, 2005.
- El libro de Lalo o Miles Gloriosus. Madrid: Ediciones del Primor, 2003.
- La nariz de Nefertiti y otros poemas. Madrid: Huerga y Fierro Editores, 2000. Reviewed by David Ross Gerling, World Literature Today 75.2 (Spring 2001): 397-398 Vol.
- Accidentes y otros recursos. Madrid: Ediciones Libertarias, 1990.
- Complejas perspectivas. Madrid: Editorial Orígenes, 1988.
The Blue Eustachian Tube (A Lorquian Farce in 1992 Scenes). A 90-minute play in two acts and seven scenes. This play, as the title insinuates, is a farce of the (in)famous Quincentenary Celebration (1992) of the Spanish Conquest of the Americas. Written and directed by Gutiérrez Revuelta. Premiere presented at DiverseWorks Artspace, Houston, Texas. November 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 1992. Funded by Texas Commission on the Arts and DiverseWorks. See Reviews: 1. The Houston Post, Thursday, November 5, 1992. Houston Press, November 12, 1992.
Astonishing World. The Selected Poems of Angel González (1956-1986). Translated from Spanish by Steven Ford Brown (SFB) and Gutiérrez Revuelta. Minneapolis: Milkweed Editions, 1993.
Selected Articles
- "Dos entrevistas sospechosas de Pablo Neruda." (co-author: Manuel J. Gutiérrez) Palimpsesto. Revista Científica de Estudios Sociales Iberoamericanos 15, 2019: 85-107.
- “Pablo Neruda y los misterios de la naturaleza.” Atenea #507, 2013: 25-44.
- “Pentimento zambraniano: una carta a Ortega nunca enviada.” Chapter book. María Zambrano: Palabras para el mundo. Madeline Camara y Luis Pablo Ortega (eds). Editorial Juan de la Cuesta, 2011: 63-90.
- “ La Gran Vía es New York de Raúl Guerra Garrido.” Chapter book. Haz lo que temas: La novelística de Raúl guerra Garrido. Bilbao: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Deusto, 2011: 247-261.
- “María Zambrano, el Delirio y Ortega.” Antígona (Revista de la Fundación María Zambrano) no. 3, 2009: 155-178.
- “Ortega, Antígona y el Niño de Vallecas en el exilio de María Zambrano.” En Exilio y Universidad (1936-1955). Presencias y realidades. Tomo II. José Ángel Ascunce, Mónica Jato y María Luisa San Miguel (ed.). Donostia / San Sebastian: Editorial Saturraran, 2008: 911-925.
- “Neruda, mon amour.” Nerudiana 6 (December 2008): 13-14.
- “Buñuel y los mandamientos de Hollywood.” El Coloquio de los perros. Revista de Literatura y Cultura. [], 17 (verano 2007).
Courses Taught
- 20th Century Spanish Poetry
- Spanish Culture and Civilization
- Spanish Avant-garde: Literature, Film and Art
- Exile and the Spanish Civil War
- Pablo Neruda and the Generation of 27
- María Zambrano
- Creative Writing
- Spanish Surrealism: Lorca, Buñuel, Dalí
- Spanish Poetry: from Bécquer to the Civil War
- Spanish Social Poetry: Celaya, Otero, Figuera, González
- Literature and Visual Arts in Modern Spain
- 20th Century Peninsular Literature: Miguel Delibes, A.M. Matute, A. Gongález, Luisa Castro
- Madrid in Literature and Art
- Spanish Literature from 1700 to Present
- Introduction to Hispanic Literature
- Spanish Culture and Civilization
- Oral Communication in Spanish
- Written Communication in Spanish