María Laura Zubiate, Ph.D.

María Laura Zubiate received her M.A. and Ph.D. in U.S. Latino Literature from the University of Houston. Her research and teaching interests focus on Latino communities, literature, education, labor and health. Dr. Zubiate recently published article in Hispania, “Retos y transformaciones del saber chicano,” examines the production of Chicano knowledge within relations of power and ethnicity. She joins the CLASS faculty as the coordinator of the Spanish for the Global Professions minor.
- Ph.D. U.S. Latino Literature - University of Houston (2017)
- M.A. Spanish Literature- University of Houston (2008)
- B.A. Spanish - University of Houston (2005)
Research and Teaching Interests
- U.S. Latino Literature, Mexican literature, Latin American literature.
- Latino communities, education, labor, immigration, and health.
- Transnational relationships, global interactions.
Courses Taught
- SPAN 3343 Spanish for Health Professionals
- SPAN 3339 Spanish for the Global Professions
- SPAN 3331 Introduction to Mexican-American Literature
- SPAN 3302 Advance Spanish for Non-Heritage Learners
- SPAN 3301 Oral Communication for Critical Thinking
- SPAN 2202, 2311 Intermediate Spanish
- Zubiate, María Laura. (2017). “Retos y transformaciones del saber chicano en la nueva era global”. Hispania 5: 309–14. Impreso.
Conference Proceedings
- “Biopower, Exclusion, and the Chicano Community.” IUPLR Siglo XXI Conference. San Antonio, Texas, May 2017.
- “Biopolítica y la literature mexicoamericana” SCOLAS. Campeche, México, March 2017.
- “Chicanas Reconstructing and Redefining Community” The 2nd Biennial U.S. Latina/o Literary Theory and Criticism ConferenceLatina/o Utopias. John Jay College of Criminal Justice. New York , April 2015.
- “El indigenismo en la formación de la nación mexicana y su traslado y representación en las artes y la literatura chicana.” HSGSO, Houston, February 2015.
- “Feminismo y anarquismo en el pensamiento de Luisa Capetillo” SCMLA , New Orleans, October 2013.
- “La construcción del sujeto en Happy Birthday Jesús” NACCS Tejas, February 2013.
- “Escribir fuera de la nación: Cartografías literarias” 3ra Conferencia Internacional de Literatura. Oaxaca, November 2012.
- “Indigenismo en las historias de Maria Cristina Mena” Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage Conference. Houston, October 2012.
- “Eulogy for A Brown Angel” Conferencia Internacional de Literatura Detectivesca enEspañol, Texas Tech University, September 2012.
- “El graffiti en Cuba” Texas A&M University Department of Hispanic Studies 2012 Graduate Student Symposium. March 2012
- “El patriarcado y la destrucción de la familia en Hardscrub” UH English Department Graduate Student Conference. Houston, TX. March 2012
- “Dessert Blood: Ficción y realidad de los asesinatos de mujeres en Ciudad Juárez”II International Conference on Chicano Literature. Alcalá de Henares, Spain. May 2006
- “El México que fuera” III SGSO Symposium at the University of Houston, Houston, TX. October 2006