Changes to Initial Appointments at CAPS
July 21, 2022
In response to the large volume of demand and a desire to provide students with timely assistance at their time of need, initial appointments through Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) are offered on a walk-in basis. If a student is interested in utilizing the services, they may visit CAPS between 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Students should expect to spend between 15-20 minutes completing paperwork, which will be followed by a brief visit with a CAPS clinician. This initial contact is an opportunity for students and a CAPS clinician to determine what kinds of services will best meet their needs. This may include CAPS services or referrals to other campus and community agencies.
For more information, please contact CAPS at (713) 743-5454 or visit the CAPS website.