CoogTV Students Earn Pinnacle Award From College Media Association
July 21, 2022
Congratulations to Comfort Abiodun, Brittany Lau, and Lindsey Jimenez!
Earlier this month, the College Media Association (CMA) announced their Pinnacle Award winners. This nation-wide contest honors the best college media organizations and individual pieces of media produced by college students. Contestants can compete across a number of categories, such as college newspapers, websites, magazines, yearbooks, radio, or television stations.
University of Houston students from the Center for Student Media organization CoogTV took home the top individual broadcast award, Best Video Entertainment Program, with their 'Coog Cinema Shorts' submission. This award recognizes excellence in overall entertainment value, production quality, and innovative use of audio/video in the production. UH students Comfort Abiodun, Brittany Lau, and Lindsey Jimenez beat competitors from Cal State Fullerton, Cal Poly, and Indiana University to win this prestigious college media award.
"Considering the number of great schools that were in the contest and the extremely high level of quality of the films, this is a great win for all of the UH students involved." – Christopher Walker
In addition, UH News earned an Honorable Mention for Best News Broadcast, an award that recognizes excellence in writing, news judgment and objectivity in reporting, production quality, and innovative use of audio in newscasting.
"Our news students work very hard to capture everything that goes on here on campus. It's great to see their hard work recognized." – Christopher Walker