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Requests for Research Participants

Researchers from UH and other institutions may seek college students to participate in studies. The list below includes such requests submitted to the UH College of Education. Please review requests carefully. Listing a request does not signify our endorsement. The most recent posting is always listed on top, and we will keep the listings for up to three months.

If you would like to have a request posted to this page, please fill out the Research Participant Request Form. Studies must be approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) to be listed.

Submitted Requests

Evaluating Microaggressions among Latinx Individuals with Obesity
Posted: 3/6/2025

The University of Houston is recruiting participants for a new mobile application study! The purpose of this study is to understand the relationship between ethnic microaggressions and obesity related eating and physical inactivity behaviors through a mobile application. You may be eligible if you

(1) are between 18 and 65 years of age
(2) identify as Latinx or Hispanic
(3) meet criteria for obesity (BMI > 30)
(4) own a smartphone and are willing and able to install the EMA smartphone app
(5) are able to provide written, informed consent.

Participation involves completion of an online pre-screener questionnaire, a 1-hour baseline appointment online via Zoom where you will complete an online questionnaire, completing 2 daily diaries and 2 randomly scheduled ecological momentary assessment through the app daily across 14 days and a follow up assessment following the 14-day EMA data collection period. Eligible participants for the current study that complete the study in its entirety will have the opportunity to receive up to $260 in electronic gift cards. Electronic gift cards can be redeemed through the platform Tango which allows you to pick a gift cards based on your purchasing preferences from over 100 different businesses.

If you are interested, please contact or call 713-743-8056 (mention study 90)!


Principal Investigators 
Brooke Redmond and Mike Zvolensky
University of Houston
Houston, TX 

Andrea Rodriguez

Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval number

Unveiling Faculty Perspectives on Student Behavior: A Qualitative Exploration of Artificial Intelligence Integration and its Perceived Influence on Academic Integrity in Online Learning Environments
Posted: 2/10/2025

Participant Requirements:
We are seeking faculty members who have experience with online education and artificial intelligence (AI) tools to participate in a qualitative study. The focus is on understanding the integration of AI in online learning and its impact on academic integrity. Participants should be from the Gulf Coast Research Institute or similar institutions, with direct experience in utilizing AI tools in education.
Study Overview:
The study, conducted by Carlos E. Gonzalez at California Baptist University, aims to explore faculty perspectives on student behavior related to the integration of AI in online learning environments. The study's goal is to inform strategies and policies that promote academic integrity while embracing the benefits of AI.
Expected Contributions:
Participants will contribute valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities presented by AI in online education, helping to shape future educational strategies and policies.
Participation Details:
Participants will partake in an interview lasting approximately one hour.
Interviews will focus on your experiences and perspectives regarding AI in online education.
Interviews will be conducted via Microsoft Teams and recorded with consent.
Contact Information:
Interested faculty members can contact Carlos E. Gonzalez for more details or to express interest in participating. Please reach out via email at:
Thank you for considering contributing to this important study. Your insights will play a crucial role in understanding and improving academic integrity in the age of AI.

Principal Investigators 
Carlos Eduardo Gonzalez
Program Coordinator II, College Work-Study
California Baptist University
Riverside, CA 92504 

Faculty Advisor
Dr. James Martin 

Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval number

Posted: 1/31/2025

We are recruiting patients ages 21-55 who either have a past history of depression, or can serve as healthy controls. Patients must be unmedicated or willing to stop all psychotropic medications and have no history of Bipolar Disorder or Schizophrenia. Patients must also be non-smokers and refrain from any illicit substances throughout the duration of the study, including marijuana.

Study procedures will be conducted at Baylor College of Medicine. Participation will consist of 3 visits over approximately 2 weeks, and will include clinical assessments, EEG, and a ketamine infusion. Patients will be compensated up to $210 for participation.


Principal Investigators 
Dr. Nicholas Murphy
Assistant Professor
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX 77030 

Haley Cox
Research Coordinator   

Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval number

Cognition, Emotion, and Language (CEL) study
Posted: 1/13/2025

The study Cognition, Emotion, and Language is recruiting participants. This study explores cognitive processing with emotion interference and language background in monolinguals and bilinguals.

There are two separate studies on SONA, one for English monolinguals and one for Spanish-English bilinguals.
  • For CEL Monolingual (6 credits), participants must only speak English and is not exposed to another language more than 25% of the time.
  • For CEL Bilingual (9 credits), participant must speak Spanish and English and does not know a third or more language.

CEL Monolingual:   
CEL Bilingual: 

Principal Investigators and Contact 
My Nguyen
Ph.D. Candidate
CLASS, Department of Psychology, University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204 

Faculty Advisor
Arturo Hernandez, Ph.D 

Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval number

Exploring Resilience and Adaptability in Adolescent Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic Through Semi-Structured Interviews
Posted: 1/8/2025

Participants must be currently enrolled at the University of Houston, participants must be between the ages of 18-23, and participants must have been in high school during March 2020-June 2021. There will be private interviews conducted at Alice Young Library along with a survey and questionnaire. Also, a $10 Chick-fil-A gift card will be given to those who complete all requirements (details will be explained).


Principal Investigators and Contact 
Nicole Jameson
Learning Lab Instructor
The University of Southern Mississippi
Hattiesburg, MS 39406 

Faculty Advisor
Lachel Story 

Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval number