Integrated Behavioral Health
Trust Building
Chronic Disease Management
- UH Students: If you are pursuing a degree (Bachelor, Master, PhD) from the University of Houston, the cost of the conference is waived. Please have your CougarNet ID ready.
- UH CHWI Graduate: If you completed the 160-hour CHW Training Certification Program with UH CHWI, the cost of the conference is waived. Please have your graduation date ready.
- Responsive Trust Network: If you are an RTN member, the cost of the conference is waived.
- $25 Early Bird Deal: If you would like to attend this exciting event, the cost of the conference is $25 per person. Early bird deal ends April 20, 2025.
- $30 Late Registration: If you would like to attend this exciting event, the cost of the conference is $30 per person for those that register after April 20, 2025. Registration closes April 25, 2025.
The Hilton hotel at UH has provided a 10% discount for conference attendees. Please call (832) 531 - 6300 for reservations. Let Hilton staff members know that you are attending the UH Community Health Workers conference on May 9, and would like to receive a UH Visitor Rate. For more information go to the Hilton UH website.
- Salud Conductual Integrada
Creación de Confianza
Tratamiento de Enfermedades Crónicas
- Estudiantes de la UH: si están cursando una licenciatura, maestría o doctorado en la Universidad de Houston, no se les cobrará el costo de la conferencia. Tenga a mano su identificación de CougarNet.
- Graduado de UH CHWI: si completó el programa de certificación de promotores de 160 horas con UH CHWI, no se le cobrará el costo de la conferencia. Tenga a mano la fecha de graduación.
- Red de Confianza Receptiva: si eres miembro de la RTN, no se les cobrará el costo de la conferencia.
- Oferta de inscripción anticipada de $25: si desea asistir a este emocionante evento, el costo de la conferencia es de $25 por persona. La oferta de inscripción anticipada finaliza el 20 de abril de 2025.
- Inscripción tardía de $30: si desea asistir a este emocionante evento, el costo de la conferencia es de $30 por persona para aquellos que se registren después del 20 de abril de 2025. La inscripción cierra el 25 de abril de 2025.
We are currently open to requests from anyone interested in getting involved as a vendor, sponsor, or supporting organization for our Spring 2024 conference. All inquiries may be submitted to ajquijan@central.uh.edu
Previous Conference's and Event's
December 5th, 2024 Community voices in Research
Dr. Daniel Price
Cara Shokler
Alejandro Quijano-Martinez
Maria Cano
Gabriela Castaneda
Nohora Ramirez
Erika Manriquez
Davonna Trimble
Student Presenters from Honors in Community Health: Operation Fusion, Creative Care, and WEAR
May 10th, 2024 Where are we driving?: Changing the Map for Non-medical Drivers of Health CHW Conference!
December 9th, 2023, Health Equity: From Awareness to Action
The "Health Equity: From Awareness to Action" conference, a collaborative effort between the University of Houston Community Health Workers Initiative and the Parkinson’s Foundation, was held on December 9th, 2023. This event focused on enhancing understanding and action towards health equity in Parkinson's disease care. Participants were offered 5.0 hours of continuing education units, with certifications pending approval, suitable for CHW, CHW-I, CHES, and MCHES. The conference, conducted in both English and Spanish, covered key areas such as an introduction to Parkinson's disease, effective community communication strategies, resource availability, and the promotion of health equity in Parkinson's care. The agenda included an introduction, a detailed session on Parkinson’s 101, a lunch break, a segment on promoting health equity in Parkinson’s disease care, and a closing session. This event aimed to educate and engage community health workers and professionals in meaningful discussions and actions to support individuals with Parkinson's disease.May 12th, 2023, Transforming Communities Together
The Transforming Communities Together Conference asks what university researchers can do to help make community transformations more visible and community voices more effective. Community Health Workers are actively engaged in making communities better. CHWs do valuable work! CHWs use strength-based principles to assist community members in navigating barriers in the system. The research team's role is to understand and amplify this transformative work. Working together, we can make the structures of disparities visible, create better CHW-Powered Programs for our communities, and improve the integration of technology and expertise into the process. This conference is about welcoming Community Health Workers across Texas to The University of Houston's Community Health Workers Initiative (UH CHWI). We would like to work with you to improve how we transform and make communities visible.May 14, 2022, The Story of Health Conference
The Story of Health conference explores topics in which both community health workers, community health worker instructors, and certified health education specialists can learn new skills to better serve their community. Community health workers, instructors, and CHES are eligible to obtain 2.5 continuing education hours with options available in Spanish and English.November 2nd, 2019, Building Healthy Communities ConferenceĀ
Harris County Public Health (HCPH) in partnership with the University of Houston Honors College Community Health Worker Initiative wants to provide an opportunity for professionals interested in building healthy and vibrant communities to learn and work together. The Building Healthy Communities Conference brings together population and community health professionals from the Greater Houston area to learn how public health intersects with other disciplines and ways to connect public health concepts across sectors.
This year’s theme, Breaking Barriers in Public Health, focuses on the important role of community health workers/promotoras in breaking barriers to improve the health of communities. CHWs and other frontline health workers add value to the communities in which they serve and live, playing a vital role in improving health outcomes and chipping away at barriers that have long contributed to health disparities. The conference will include specific sessions for those whose preferred learning language is Spanish.
June 8th, 2019, Trust in Health: Building, Sustaining, and DeservingĀ
Proposal for Funding CHWs as Independent Advocates in the Community
This is for people who want to know the business details, including folks working with affordable housing and healthcare finance. We will discuss where real savings can be generated in community health, and specifically through integrated advocacy from CHWs. Supported by data analytics, individualized tracking, and accountability metrics all behind the scenes, the CHWs can realize savings in care coordination, improved access, improved self-management, and better resource matching.
Faith-based Approaches to Community Health
Faith and trust should go hand-in-hand, just as physical, mental and spiritual health are all part of one whole and meaningful life. It all works in different ways for different people and different organizations, and we will be exploring how to make a CHW model work in the context of faith and community outreach. A CHW who is an advocate for the vulnerable folks in our community becomes a vehicle for building a stronger community of trust and faith - together we can discover how.
Celebration of the PEERS Student Projects on Community Health and Disasters
Project Engagement Encouraging Rising Students (PEERS) is a new community health initiative that pairs UH undergrads with high school students throughout the Third and Fifth Wards to work side-by-side on projects focusing on solving meaningful community health issues.
This year’s challenge question is: “If you had 5 million dollars, how would you prepare for and respond to the next Hurricane?”
Teams will be focusing on how to improve the quality of life for Houston residents when it comes to preparing for the next hurricane. All teams will have their projects displayed while judging is taking place and members of the event can view the projects and ask the students questions.
CEUs for Community Health Workers
Three DSHS approved Continuine Education Units (CEUs) for CHWs will be free (as space allows) and will cover new material in resource matching and professionalization. The new UH Texas Certified CHW Training Center will be integral to all our work training and supporting CHWs working in the community - whether they're working with us directly or for another community group or health business.