Operation Fusion
Operation Fusion aims to serve the refugee and immigrant children of Las Americas Newcomer School while partnering with Amaanah Refugee Services. The goal of Operation Fusion is to blend culture and health through education and empowerment to allow the students to define their identities and set their personal health goals. This program emphasizes explicitly channeling cultural diversity to promote a sense of agency and belonging. Volunteers will lead weekly interactive sessions that encourage students to build healthy habits and learn to utilize their home cultures as assets in their education, identity, and everyday lives.
Operation Fusion will begin hosting in-person sessions at Las Americas Newcomer School during the Fall semester of 2022. Volunteers will have the opportunity to help facilitate sessions with the middle school students.
Members will facilitate weekly sessions and deliver lessons based on different monthly themes pertaining to various aspects of health and culture. By attending monthly training sessions, undergraduate volunteers will be able to take part in designing lesson plans and become prepared to help facilitate sessions with the students.
Nawar Ahmed, Senior, Psychology
Joey Hernandez, Sophomore, Public Health
Sharlet Mathew, Senior, Public Health
Andy Tran, Senior, Biology
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Email: operationfusion.uh@gmail.com