What does it all mean?! Living in a residence hall, you'll encounter a ton of acronyms. Here are a few that you’ll need to know.
Getting Involved
SHRL- Student Housing & Residential Life
Student Housing and Residential Life is a department of the Division of Student Affairs. We care for all your housing needs.
RHA- Residence Halls Association
Every student living in the residence halls is a member of RHA and may participate in the programs organized by RHA and hall governments. This organization offers the opportunity to promote and advocate for change on campus. For more information about RHA, click here.
HC- Hall Council
Hall Council is the next level of residence hall governance and serves as the governing body of a building area. The Hall Council brings resident issues and concerns such as food service, new facilities or other living area needs to the Residence Halls Association. HC is advised by the building's Community Mentor.
NRHH- National Residence Hall Honorary
National Residence Hall Honorary is an organization for residents that advocates for the interests and welfare of residence hall students, provides opportunities for their personal growth and development, and strives to provide recognition for individuals who have contributed to the advancement of university housing. For more information about NRHH, click here.
LLC- Living Learning Community
Living Learning Communities offer students interested in a shared topic the opportunity to live together in a dedicated residential area. For more information on joining a Living Learning Community, click here.
Positions in SHRL
RLC- Residential Life Coordinator
RLCs supervise all the happenings in your residence hall. Additionally, they handle conduct violations and emergencies. Don’t let that scare you though! RLCs are also happy to meet with you and discuss your needs or any questions you may have. To find out who your RLC is, click here.
SRD- Supervisor of Residential Desk
SRDs manage the 24-hour student desks in the residential halls. SRDs help residents with their keys, room transfers, and general housing questions.
FIR- Faculty In Residence
Faculty in Residence are UH faculty members who live in the residential halls and provide opportunities for residents to interact with professors outside of the classroom. They will occasionally host programs and dinners that you can attend. If you see them around say hello! To find out who your FIR is, click here.
CM – Community Mentor
The Community Mentor is a student staff member that provides advocacy, intervention, mentorship, and support to residents. The position also serves as the Advisor for the community’s Hall Council. For issues with homesickness, health/ wellness, time management, study skills, campus involvement, visit with your CM.
RA- Resident Advisor
Resident Advisor’s serve as liaisons between SHRL and residents and work to create an environment where students can build relationships, engage with the campus community, and successfully navigate life at UH. They also coordinate great programs for you to attend! If you have any issues with your housing experience, then you should speak with your RA.
DA- Desk Assistant
A Desk Assistant is a student staff member who provides coverage at the 24-hour information desk in the residence halls. DAs provide support to residents who have questions about rooms, lock-outs, and other hall-specific items.
CA- Conference Assistant
Conference Assistants are student staff members that help with summer conferences in the residence halls. From guest assistants to Cougar Mover Crew Leaders, these students ensure that our guests in the summer have an incredible experience at UH.
GA- Graduate Assistant
Graduate Assistants are students in pursuit of a master’s degree that work with members of the SHRL team to host programs, promote opportunities in the residential halls, and support different initiatives in housing.
MT- Moody Towers
CV1- Cougar Village I
CV2- Cougar Village 2
CP- Cougar Place
UL- University Lofts
BO- Bayou Oaks