Music Education - University of Houston
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Julie Derges
Division Head of Music Education
Associate Professor of Music Education

phone: 713-743-4547

Welcome to Music Education at the Moores School of Music! Our program helps students become music teachers in band, choir, elementary general and orchestral classrooms and prepares them to earn their Texas teacher certification in music. Our graduates consistently become leaders in music education in the State of Texas who are known for their understanding of learning processes, strong musicianship and the ability to create positive learning environments. #GoCoogs!

Academic Programs

  • Bachelor of Music

    The Bachelor of Music in music education provides the skills and experiences necessary to become a successful music teacher in PreK-12 schools with either an instrumental or choral emphasis. In this program, students also complete requirements to make them eligible for their teacher certification in the State of Texas in conjunction with the College of Education’s Teacher Education Program

  • Post-Baccalaureate Teaching Certification

    Students already holding an undergraduate degree in music may pursue teaching certification through our post-baccalaureate certification program. This program results in an EC-12 music certification for the state of Texas. An individualized certification plan is developed for each student that credits courses already taken towards certification requirements. Teacher certification in the State of Texas is earned in conjunction with the College of Education's Teacher Education Program. 
  • Master of Music

    The Master of Music in music education is designed to advance the knowledge and skills of practicing music teachers in three main areas: pedagogy, leadership and contemporary approaches to music education. All students in this program select a minor area of study such as conducting, elementary methods, music history or music theory.  

    This program is best suited for practicing public school teachers with at least three years of K-12 teaching experience. Classes are offered in the evenings and during the summer to accommodate the schedules of busy professionals. Most students complete the degree as a part-time student. Full-time students may apply for a teaching assistantship or research assistantship.   

  • Doctor of Musical Arts

    The Doctor of Musical Arts in music education is designed for music teachers who wish to teach at the collegiate level or qualify for an administrative position in public education. Candidates should possess a teaching certificate and at least three years of K-12 teaching experience. Most classes may be completed as a part-time student, but one year of residency is required. Full-time students may apply for a teaching assistantship, research assistantship or a graduate tuition fellowship.  


Scholarships are available for students at all levels of study who demonstrate outstanding accomplishment and promise. For nonresident students, merit-based scholarships may make a student eligible to receive a tuition waiver. 
  • Teaching and Research Assistantships

    Teaching and research assistantships in music education are available to full-time graduate students. Teaching assistantships provide opportunities to teach or assist with an undergraduate music education course under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Research assistantships involve assisting one or more music education faculty members with ongoing scholarly research in their respective areas. All teaching and research assistants receive a stipend and scholarship. 
  • Instrumental Music Education and Conn-Selmer

    The music education division is pleased to collaborate with Conn-Selmer to supply our methods courses with instruments to foster more excellent pedagogical knowledge and greater practical skill in all undergraduate music education majors. We are doubly pleased for this relationship to be significantly aided by Conn-Selmer Educational Support Manager and UH alumnus Rick Ghinelli. 
  • Undergraduate Music Teaching Opportunities

    Many music education students develop their classroom teaching experiences through one of our outreach programs. Some of the programs are paid opportunities, while others function on a volunteer basis. Currently, students may teach in the following programs:  


  • Piano for Choral Directors

    In this course, students develop piano skills for directing choral ensembles including accompanying, transposition and score reading and reduction.
  • Elementary & Middle School Instrumental Administration

    Recruiting methods, materials and organization applicable to beginning band and orchestra programs are covered in the course
  • Introduction to Education in Music

    This course covers principles of teaching and learning music in educational settings with a focus on teaching and learning processes and structure, organization and management of schools. School observations are made in accordance with state-mandated, site-based requirements.
  • Contemporary Methods in Music Education

    This courses surveys and critically examines contemporary pedagogical methods, materials and processes in contemporary K-12 environments.  Students actively engage in teaching a variety of musical genres and ensemble formats. 


Music education alumni of the Moores School of Music currently teach in schools across Texas and around the globe. They serve populations in rural, suburban and urban settings, helping their students to grow as musicians, learners and people. Doctoral alumni have been offered positions at universities and colleges around the United States, and alumni from the master’s program have taken on leadership roles throughout the state undergraduate alumni have been recognized as Teachers of the Year at campus and district levels. MSM music education alumni are a strong community who continue to highlight the unique power of music to uplift the human spirit. Click here to see our  KGMCA Alumni page!
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“In my time at the University of Houston Moores School of Music, I was given the gift of connection. I connected to myself as a person and grew immensely in my experiences and my ability to reflect. I connected to music and learning. My professors and classes nurtured my curiosity about my voice and teaching. Most importantly, I connected with others by collaborating with, leading beside, traveling with, singing with and loving my fellow classmates, deepening my love for education and its vital place in the world.” - Jennifer Gallagher (BM ‘08) Choir Director, Shadow Creek High School TMEA Region XVII Vocal Chair