Faculty Profile
Abdalla Ibrahim Zanouny
Instructional Assistant Professor
Department of Biology and Biochemistry
Office: Science Teaching Laboratory, 224
Contact: azibrahim@uh.edu
Education: Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison; M.S., King Saud University; B.S., Minia University
Dr. Abdalla Ibrahim Zanouny is interested in using quantitative genetics and bioinformatics to identify the genetics of quantitative traits. Combining both the genomic and phenotypic information for an organism, identities associations between a trait of interest and genes associated with it.
He has a special interest in undergraduate teaching that includes engaging students in extracurricular activities and making science fun. Learning science can be fun.
- Zanouny A., Kaeppler SM. A Comprehensive Genome-wide Association Study of 115 Seedling Traits Over 20 Timepoints Reveals Both Stage-specific Genes and Genes Involved at Multiple Stages. Manuscript written and waiting for my PI review (10/2018).
- Senes, A.S. and Zanouny, A. 2017. Biochemical Methods Laboratory Manual. Preview available.
- Zanouny A., Kaeppler SM. 2017. High-throughput phenotyping detects large natural variation of maize growth at seedling and early juvenile stages, and its correlation with adult phenotypes, 59th Maize Genetics Conference, Saint Louis, MO. (Poster)
- Zanouny A., Kaeppler SM. 2017. GWAS over 20 days reveals dynamic maize genome controlling biomass‐related traits at seedling and juvenile stages, Corn Breeders Research Meeting, Saint Louis, MO. (Oral presentation)
- Zanouny A., De Leon N., Kaeppeler SM. 2016. Biomass accumulation, early vigor and water consumption of maize seedlings in the Wisconsin diversity panel. Corn Breeders Research Meeting, Jacksonville, FL. (Poster)
- Tantawy. AA, Zanouny A. 2012. Molecular studies on induced programmed cell death in plants under drought stress. 13th Agronomy Meeting, Egypt. (Oral presentation)
- Zanouny A., Aldoss AA., Gene Stacking of High Molecular Weight Glutenin Genes in Bread Wheat Using Molecular Markers. 2011. Agronomy Meeting, San Antonio, Texas. ( Oral presentation)
- Aldoss AA., Zanouny A. 2011. Stacking of High Molecular Weight Glutenin Genes in Bread Wheat Using Molecular Markers. Plant Animal Genome, San Diego, CA (Poster)
- Gahazy AI, Zanouny A., Moustafa KA., Al-Doss AA. 2012. Molecular screening of high molecular weight glutenin genes in spring bread wheat genotypes in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Food Agriculture Environment 10(1): 132-136.
Honors and Awards
- 2016, Exceptional Teaching and Service Award, Nomination by Zoology Department, UW-Madison
- 2013, Fulbright Scholar, from Fulbright Commission
- 2004, Graduated summa cum laude (Rank 1/370), Minia University
- 2002, Role Model Student Award, Minia University.