Dobrin Lecture - University of Houston
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Dobrin Lecture


Maximum of 30 students allowed to present posters.
Poster Submission: 
⦁ Send you poster title to Sarai Hernandez:
Doing this also serves as your RSVP for the event. Do not use the RSVP button on the Dobrin website if you are submitting a poster.
⦁ If you want to be eligible for a poster competition award, you must submit your title by midnight Feb 16th so that it will appear on the judging form.
Students presenting posters must:
a) Arrive by 4:15pm to mount posters.
b) Stay for the entire lecture; if absent, prizes will be given to the next ranked student.
c) Dismount posters when the lecture is over.

⦁ Follow this link for instructions to create your poster file:
⦁ Plan your poster to fit on a 4’ height by 8’ width board. The size of the poster should be 42 inches x 72 inches.
⦁ If you want the department to print your poster, the file must be submitted by midnight February 16th: Email the file to Jay Krishnan: Students not presenting posters: Please RSVP here. Admission is free.
Prize categories

1st Place = $1000

2nd Place = $800
3rd Place = $600
4th Place = $400
5th Place = $200

UH Natural Sciences and Mathematics - Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Please join the
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
and the Geophysical Society of Houston

at the hybrid (in-person or virtual)

29th Annual Milton B. Dobrin Lecture

Tuesday, February 21, 2023
5–8:30 PM

The Energy Transition: What it Means for Houston and the World

presented by

Joseph Powell

Joseph B. Powell, Ph.D. ( bio)
Director, Energy Transition Institute, University of Houston

Schedule of Events
5:00 PM Student and SEG EVOLVE Poster Presentations (in person only)
Chaired by John Castagna
6:45 PM Overview of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at UH (in person and online)
Tom Lapen
7:00 PM Geophysics at UH (in person and online)
Yingcai Zheng
7:15 PM Dobrin Lecture Presentation (in person and online)
Joseph B. Powell
8:15 PM Student Award Announcements (in person only)
David Lankford-Bravo

Admission is free.

Join us for hors d'oeuvres and social interaction.

University of Houston Alumni Center
3204 Cullen Blvd. Houston, TX 77204-6742


Links for those participating virtually will be emailed by February 17 at 9 AM.


Expanding the energy supply and equitably transitioning to a net-zero-carbon economy is the grand challenge of our time.   Houston as the global capital of Energy and Chemicals can lead the way but must pivot to address emerging opportunities in clean energy and sustainable chemicals.    To this end, the newly formed Energy Transition Institute at the University of Houston, with Shell as founding sponsor, will provide thought leadership, develop the workforce of the future through expanded education and empowerment of UH students, and drive top-tier research with focus areas in hydrogen as an energy vector, circular economy for plastics and materials, and expanded programs in carbon management.     It’s an exciting opportunity to expand UH’s prowess as The Energy University.   Come learn what we are doing and how you can get involved!