Seminar Schedule - University of Houston
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Seminar Schedule

This is an archive. To view current seminar schedule visit the Friday Seminars Page.

The Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Houston offers its seminars on most Friday afternoons during the fall and spring semesters. For more information regarding seminars please visit the seminars resource page.

Time:Seminars are held on most Fridays 11-12 PM. Before the seminar, a coffee time will be held from 10:30 to 11 AM.

LocationSR1 634. A campus map -

Assistance with Speaker Setup:An EAS TA is assigned the task of: providing lapel microphone and making a sound check, providing remote slide changer with built in laser pointer, and loading the speaker’s slides. For the Spring 2019, semester this person is: Ekenem Adigwe ( )

Responsibilities of EAS faculty host listed:

  1. Send and confirm with the speaker this schedule;
  2. Explain to the speaker that their talk should not exceed 45 minutes in length;
  3. Arrange with EAS admin the speaker's travel if required and insure that the speaker signs any needed paperwork with the EAS admin;
  4. Send out note to all EAS faculty on the Monday of that week a sign up sheet for meeting or meals with the speaker based on his or her available time in EAS; Coordinate any special needs of the speaker including transportation and arranging group meals;
  5. Arrange a meeting with the speaker and student TA at least 30 mins before the talk in room 116 to insure that the talk is set up;
  6. If for any reason the host is absent, he or she would need to arrange an alternative EAS faculty member to act as host and perform the above duties.

Fall 2019 Seminar Schedule

Date Speaker Affiliation Presentation
30-Aug Mike Hudec UT Austin Salt tectonics in the southern Gulf of Mexico: a window into basin opening Mann
13-Sep Brian Horton UT Austin Evolution of the Andes: The Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic and sedimentary record Robinson
20-Sep Rodolfo Ostilla Monico UH Mechanical Engineering Large scale structures in turbulent convection: from the Mantle to the Atmosphere Rappenglueck
27-Sep Doug Archer NASA JSC Exploring Mars with the Curiosity Rover Fu
1-Oct* Michael Jensen Brookhaven National Laboratory TRACER: An upcoming field campaign to study Aerosol-Convection Interactions in the Houston area Flynn & Y. Wang
4-Oct Yunsoo Choi UH When an atmospheric scientist meets artificial intelligence deep learning Sun
11-Oct Bonnie Jacobs Southern Methodist University Life and Climate on the Ethiopian Plateau: a Changing World from the Paleogene to the Neogene Beverly
18-Oct Vanessa Caicedo UMBC Boundary layer observational networks and applications to air quality Y. Wang
25-Oct Walter Mooney USGS Seismic Images of the North American Upper Mantle: Implications for Continental Evolution Zhou
1-Nov Beizhan Yan Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory / Columbia University Linking environmental and health sciences - source analysis of pollutants Y. Wang
8-Nov Songqiao Shawn Wei Michigan State Seismic imaging of partial melting in the Tonga mantle wedge Wu
15-Nov Derek Thorkelson Simon Fraser University The Precambrian Secrets of Yukon Wu
22-Nov Penny Maher, Laura Gutierrez UH Responsible Conduct of Research


* special seminar (not on Friday)