Seminar Schedule Spring 2020 - University of Houston
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Seminar Schedule Spring 2020

This is an archive. To view current seminar schedule visit the Friday Seminars Page.

The Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Houston offers its seminars on most Friday afternoons during the fall and spring semesters. For more information regarding seminars please visit the seminars resource page.

Time: Seminars are held on most Fridays 11-12 PM. Before the seminar, a coffee time will be held from 10:30 to 11 AM in SR1 223. 

LocationSR1 634 . A campus map -

Spring 2020 Seminar Schedule

Date Speaker Affiliation Presentation
17-Jan Lindsay Worthington University of New Mexico Buried Alive? How sediments shut down faults in the Gulf of Alaska - USSSP-IODP Ocean Discovery Lecture Series Hauptvogel, Sisson
24-Jan held for faculty search
31-Jan held for faculty search
7-Feb held for faculty search
14-Feb Meenakshi Wadhwa Arizona State University Insights into the origin and evolution of the Solar System from short-lived radionuclides in meteorites Lapen
21-Feb Lawrence Lawver UT Austin How the South Georgia microcontinent is becoming part of the South American plate Colli
6-Mar Jory Pacht Altair Resources Energy 101 Castagna
20-Mar Rodolfo Ostilla Monico UH Mechanical Engineering Large scale structures in turbulent convection: from the Mantle to the Atmosphere - TO BE RE-SCHEDULED Rappenglueck
27-Mar Shimon Wdowinski Florida International University Space-based detection of fast and slow subsidence: Implications for subsidence hazard in urban and suburban areas- TO BE RE-SCHEDULED G. Wang
3-Apr John Shaw Harvard University Induced seismicity from reservoir operations: Insights into fault strength and stress in the Earth’s crust- TO BE RE-SCHEDULED Suppe
10-Apr Chang Li Chevron Hydraulic fracture microseismic monitoring: event location and anisotropic velocity joint inversion- TO BE RE-SCHEDULED Zheng
17-Apr Ellen Xiaoxia Xu Chevron Meet West Africa Deep Exploration Challenges with Geomorphology and Inversion -- TO BE RE-SCHEDULED Sun

* special seminar (not on Friday)