Winners Announced: Best Student Talks and Posters at Student Research Day and Industry Open House
Sixty EAS Students Participated in the Competition
Sixty Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (EAS) graduate and undergraduate students competed in two, judged talk sessions and three, judged categories of poster presentations at the EAS Student Research Day and Industry Open House held May 1 at the University of Houston’s Science and Research Building 1.
Advanced Graduate Student Oral Presentations (Room 634)
Judges: Xun Jiang (EAS), Jinny Sisson (EAS), Will Sager (EAS)
First Place: Laura Judd, Influences of spatial resolution on N02 column measurement comparisons during Discover-AQ Texas
Second Place: Tucker Conklin, Evolution of shelf-margin minibasin, northern Gulf of Mexico
Honorable Mention: Ismail Ahmad Abir, Tectonics of Bannu basin and its relation to the Trans-Indus Salt Ranges fold-thrust belt in northern Pakistan
Advanced Graduate Student Oral Presentations (Room 223)
Judges: Barry Lefer (EAS), Juan Carlos Silva Tamayo (EAS), Stuart Hall (EAS)
First Place: Kurt Sundell, Testing geodynamic models for surface uplift of the Central Andean Plateau through basin analysis and volcanic glass paleoaltimetry in southern Peru
Second Place: Andrew Kerekgyarto, Supra-canonical initial 26Al/27Al from a reprocessed Allende CAI
Undergraduate Student Poster Presentations
Judges: Kush Tandon (Bluware, Inc.), Sean Connell (Chevron), Guoguan Wang (EAS)
First Place: Derek Scott, Characterization of the South Gabon basin through 2D seismic interpretation
Second Place: Sarah Daily, Identifying active faults in Jamaica from remote sensing, GPS, earthquake, and seismic reflection data
Third Place: David Lankford-Bravo, Influence of basement dip on morphological and structural characteristics of the Perdido-Port Isabel and Northern and Southern Mexican Ridges, western Gulf of Mexico
Beginning Graduate Student Poster Presentation
Judges: Julia Wellner (EAS), Kristy Milliken (Chevron), Veronica Castillo (Repsol)
First Place: Jaymason Shelton, Transport of industrial plumes in the Greater Houston area on the morning of November 3rd, 2009
Second Place: Tyson Smith, Revealing the Ancestral Rocky Mountains: Strategy for unravelling Late Paleozoic intraplate deformation in North America
Third Place (3-way tie): Diane Krupnik, Analysis of Cretaceous Edwards Formation using integrated remote sensing techniques
Lucia Torrado, 3D seismic facies and attribute analysis for reservoir characterization of a complex fluvial system: Case study of the Late Eocene-Oligocene Carbonera Formation, Llanos foreland basin of Colombia
Patrick Loureiro, Controls of asymmetrical rifting on distribution and thickness of pre-salt carbonate reservoirs in sag basins of Brazil and West Africa
Advanced Graduate Student Poster Presentation
Judges: Bernhard Rappenglueck (EAS), Clayton Painter (ConocoPhillips), Steve Naruk (Shell)
First Place: Long Huang, Elastic properties of 3D-printed physical models: Fluid substitution observations in cracked media
Second Place: Unal Okyay, Remote detection of fluid-related, diagenetic, mineralogical variations in the Wingate sandstone at different spatial and spectral resolutions
Honorable Mention: Jiannan Wang, Inferring marine sediment type using Chirp sonar data: Atlantis field, Gulf of Mexico