Three EAS Grad Student Teams Participate in EVOLVE Program
Teams Present at SEG Conference in New Orleans, October 18-23
EVOLVE is a new graduate educational program jointly sponsored by the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) and Halliburton to improve the preparation of graduate students and young professionals in the next generation of team- and computer-based workflows for state-of-the-art oil exploration.
In the program’s first year, five-member teams recruited from six universities were selected to participate. Participating schools were University of Houston, University of Texas at Austin, Colorado School of Mines, University of Oklahoma, Texas A&M University, and University of Wyoming.
Each team presented a 25-minute oral presentation to a panel of four oil industry experts at the SEG meeting in October (video link below). University of Houston’s Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences had three teams in the program.
The UH teams spent many hours over the past six weeks working with their EAS faculty advisor Dr. Yingcai Zhen. The groups had to interpret a complex data from the Heidrun producing oil field in the North Sea that included 3D seismic data, well logs and production information. Both software and data were delivered by Halliburton to all teams via the cloud, reducing the amount of IT support and advanced computer hardware needed by the various universities. The teams will continue analyzing the data over the next year.
Students Participating
Yinshuai Ding
Simin Gao
Jing Hua
Ismot Jahan
Liang Jian
Pin Lin
Andrea Paris
Eliene Silva
Jiannan Wang
Qianqian Wei
Wenyuan Zhang
Jingjing Zong
More Information on EVOLVE (PDF)
Video: UH Students Presenting to Judges