Theme Issue of Journal G3 Covers Lithospheric Evolution of Cenozoic Ultrahigh-Pressure Terranes
Sixteen Papers in Issue Edited by Baldwin, Mann, Little and Abers
A theme issue of the journal G3, co-edited by Suzanne Baldwin (Syracuse University), Paul Mann (University of Houston), Tim Little (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand) and Geoff Abers (Cornell University), has been completed. The issue, Lithospheric Evolution of Cenozoic UHP Terranes: From Convergence to Extension, consists of 16 articles. G3 (Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems) is a publication of the American Geophysical Union.
The discovery of continental material subducted to mantle depths and exhumed at plate tectonic rates in regions of active and rapid extension has stimulated much recent work on understanding linkages between mantle-crust-surface processes during ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) exhumation. Discovery of the youngest UHP material in eastern Papua New Guinea by Baldwin and coworkers in 2004 helped stimulate a National Science Foundation-funded Continental Dynamics project focused on exposed UHP rock in that area.
The project included a large, multidisciplinary group using a variety of methods including geological mapping and sampling, geochemistry, passive seismology GPS-based geodesy, marine geology and geophysics, paleomagnetism, and geodynamic modeling.
Of the 16 papers in the theme issue, three are authored by UH researchers including Mann and one paper by UH Ph.D. student Bryan Ott that formed one chapter of his UH dissertation completed in August 2015.
A listing of the 16 papers in the volume can be found at: