First Time UH Selected for Meeting Location
The leadership of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), a worldwide organization of 30,000 members, held its annual global leadership conference at the Hilton University of Houston, November 17-19, 2017.
President Charles Sternbach addresses the AAPG Leadership Conference.This marked the first time that AAPG selected University of Houston as the site for this annual leadership meeting. The leadership group included event organizer AAPG President Charles Sternbach, president-elect Denise Cox, AAPG Bulletin editor Barry Katz, and around 100 delegates representing the AAPG’s six sections and six regions in the U.S. and worldwide.
The main objective of the meeting was to organize activities for the coming year, including the upcoming AAPG Global Super Basins Leadership Conference that will focus on the most productive hydrocarbon basins worldwide.
Contributions from the UH Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences included a talk by Dr. Paul Mann on his research of conjugate rift margins in the Gulf of Mexico and circum-Atlantic Ocean and 30 poster presentations by EAS graduate and undergraduate students, representing a cross section of the department’s current research areas.
The conference planning arrangements and EAS student poster session were coordinated by Drs. Don van Nieuwenhuise and Julia Wellner of the UH EAS department.
During the event, the world champion University of Houston AAPG Imperial Barrel Award Team of five EAS graduate students was introduced to the AAPG leaders. To be named world champions, the team finished first in a field of 190 other teams. Financial support for the IBA Barrel Award competition is provided by AAPG and forms one of their largest programs.
Blog: Upcoming Global Super Basins Leadership Conference – Register Now