Chuck Mosher Presented as Guest Speaker; Stephen Greenlee Received Chair’s Award
The joint Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences-Geophysical Society of Houston Annual Dobrin Lecture took place on February 5, 2018, at the University of Houston Alumni Center.
Department Chair Hua-wei Zhou presents Chuck Mosher (left) with Dobrin Lecture Plaque.This year’s speaker was Dr. Chuck Mosher, Senior Geoscience Fellow at ConocoPhillips (list of past speakers). The title of his presentation was “Compressive Sensing Principles for Seismic Survey Design.” The Dobrin Lecture was preceded by a poster session, with 17 presenting student authors, followed by departmental updates by EAS Chair, Dr. Hua-wei Zhou.
Inaugural Chair’s Award
The inaugural Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Chair’s Award was presented to Stephen Greenlee from ExxonMobil. Greenlee has been a strong supporter of the department as well as UH’s Energy program, where he has served on UH’s Energy Advisory Board, which is a volunteer board appointed by President Renu Khator.
Student Poster Award Winners
First Place
Jiaxuan Li, “In Situ Seismic Anisotropy Around Deep Earthquakes in Japan Subduction Slabs Using Japan NIED Moment Tensors”
From left, Dobrin guest speaker Chuck Mosher with student poster winners Jiaxuan Li, Yiwei Chen, Yukai Wo, Ying Zhang, and department Chair Hua-wei Zhou.Second Place
Yiwei Chen, “Seismic Tomographic Constraints On Plate-Tectonic Reconstruction of Nacza Subduction Under South America Since Late Cretaceous (~80 Ma)”
Third Place (tie)
Yukai Wo, “Near-Surface Velocity Model Building And Its Impact on Depth Imaging”
Ying Zhang, “Imaging Crustal Structure in Alaska from Receiver Functions”
K-T Boundary Award
To increase student participation in the event, the K-T Boundary Award, aka “the luckiest presenter,” was created this year. The K-T Boundary Award was launched and contributed by Drs. Rob Stewart, Yingcai Zheng, and Chuck Mosher. We hope this can become a tradition for all EAS academic events involving students. This year’s K-T Boundary Award went to Pongthep Thongsang, “Full Waveform Inversion with Skeleton Constraint.”
Student Presenting Posters
Dane Suresh
Carolina Ramon-Duenas
Zhonghan Liu
Lian Jiang
Dustin P Villarreal
Janet Kong
Jingjing Zong
Yiwei Chen
Yuan Tian
Ezzedeen Alfataierge
Yukai Wo
Wenyuan Zhang
Andrew R Gilfillan
Jiaxuan Li
Ying Zhang
Pongthep Thongsang
Zhili Wei
Student Poster Competition Judges
Julia Wellner, EAS Faculty
Jon Snow, EAS Faculty
Will Sager, EAS Faculty
Hao Hu, EAS Postdoctoral Researcher
Ana Kreuger, EAS Faculty
Robert Stewart, EAS Faculty
Paul Mann, EAS Faculty
Shengwen Jin, Integeos