First Time UH Chapter has Won this Award
The American Association of Petroleum Geologists’ Outstanding Student Chapter Awards honor enthusiastic student chapters, both U.S.-based and international, that capitalize on opportunities to enrich the experiences of their members.

The “Outstanding Domestic Student Chapter” award was presented to the University of Houston’s AAPG Wildcatters officers during the Student Awards Ceremony on May 21 at the AAPG 101st Annual Convention and Exhibition held in Salt Lake City. Other awards given included the "Outstanding International Student Chapter," "Outstanding Small Student Chapter," and "Outstanding New Student Chapter."
These awards are granted yearly to the chapters that best communicate the breadth of their activities and the impact they have on formulating the education and professional demeanor of the members.
Selected from the more than 100 U.S.-based graduate student chapters, the AAPG Wildcatters student chapter from the UH Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences received this honor for the first time since the chapter was created in 2010. This award is evidence of the commitment and hard work that the officers and student members have put into the group in the last year.

The chapter’s activities during the past year included lunch and learn sessions, short courses, sponsorships to geology-related events, social gatherings (EAS Holiday Party), and volunteer work.
The 2017-2018 officers recognized with this award are Shenelle Gomez (President), Eric Lunn (Vice President), Carolina Ramon-Duenas (Treasurer), Lucia Torrado (Secretary), Andrew Steier (Social Chair), Jae-Deok Kim (Webmaster), and Dustin Villarreal (Energy Coalition Representative).
For more information on the chapter’s activities, follow them on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn @AAPG Wildcatters.