Students Garner Second, Third and Fourth Place Awards
Md Nahidul Hasan, Hualing Zhang and Jacob Miller, students from the University of Houston’s Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, received second, third and fourth place for best student poster presentations at the 2020 American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Annual Convention and Exhibition. The convention took place virtually on September 29-October 1, 2020.
The 15 posters in the student competition were selected by a panel of judges from over 100 student poster entries. First, second, third and fourth place awards were given.
The posters were scored by the judges based on the overall appearance of the poster, quality of data and interpretations, oral summary of the poster by the presenter, and responses of the presenter to questions posed by the judges. First through fourth place, awards were given to the top posters. Three posters submitted by UH students were chosen.
UH Winners

Second Place – Md Nahidul Hasan
A geology Ph.D. student since 2019 with the Conjugate Basins, Tectonics and Hydrocarbons project, Hasan earned second place for his poster “Explaining Differing Styles of Salt Deformation in the Campeche and Yucatan Salt Basins, Southern Gulf of Mexico.” He received a cash prize of $1,500 from AAPG Foundation.
Third Place – Hualing Zhang
A geology Ph.D. student since 2018 with the Conjugate Basins, Tectonics and Hydrocarbons project, Zhang earned third place for her poster “Integration of structural analysis and gravity modeling in the Permian Basin, West Texas.” She received a cash prize of $1,000 from AAPG Foundation.
Fourth Place – Jacob Miller
A December 2020 M.S. geophysics graduate who was supported by the Conjugate Basins, Tectonics and Hydrocarbons project and is now with BP, Miller earned fourth place for his poster “Structure, stratigraphy, and recent hydrocarbon indicators in the Grenada and Tobago basins, southeastern Caribbean Sea.” He received a cash prize of $500 from AAPG Foundation.
EAS graduate students have excelled in this AAPG Annual Meeting competition in 2013 (first, second and third places), 2014 (third and fourth places), 2015 (second place), 2016 (second and third places), 2017 (first place), 2018 (fourth place), and 2019 (first place).