Three Students Receive Funding Awards in Spring 2022
The Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (EAS) made the second awards in a new program for students to apply for research funding directly, independently of their advisors.
Three students are being recognized for their excellent proposals this semester and provided with funding.

Kamil Qureshi (who works with Dr. Shuhab Khan)
Proposal: “Structural Geology, Tectonic Geomorphology, and Neotectonics of the Western Himalayas: A case study from the Northern Kirthar Ranges, Pakistan”
Award: $2,000
Nina Zamanialavijeh (who works with Dr. Michael Murphy)
Proposal: “Strain rates and timing of Plio-Pleistocene deformation along major faults of the Yellowstone – Snake River Plain province”
Award: $1,500
Ruby Patterson (who works with Dr. Tom Lapen)
Proposal: “Rhyolitic Prestahnúkur Volcano, Iceland: Analog for Siliceous Sediments on Mars”
Award: $1,500
Funding for these research grants has been made possible by the EAS department endowment. Awards will be made again in the fall semester in this continuing program.
Congratulations to Kamil, Ruby, and Nina.