Fifty-one of 60 EAS M.S. and Doctoral Students Graduating Fall 2020 and Spring and Summer 2021 Hired at Graduation

Congratulations to our M.S. and Ph.D. graduates from Fall 2020, Spring and Summer 2021! These professionals started jobs in a variety of industries and governmental research organizations as well as academia.
Fall 2020
Ph.D. Graduates - Geology
Yipeng Li, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Alabama
Thesis: Tectonic Evolution of the Northern Pamir from the Late Paleozoic to Cenozoic
Yi-An Lin, South Florida Water Management District, West Palm Beach, FL
Thesis: New Constraints for Convergent Margin Plate Tectonic Reconstructions from Imaged and Predicted Mantle Structure
Trey Lobpries, AP Environmental Science and Environmental Systems Teacher, Katy ISD
Thesis: Remote Sensing Investigation of a Possible Impact Structure in North-central Niger and Paleoenvironmental Conditions and Diagenesis in the Upper Edwards Formation
Manuel Paez Reyes, Geologist, Colombian Geological Survey
Thesis: The Cenomanian – Turonian Oceanic Anoxic Event 2: New Insights from the Tropical Americas
Carolina Ramon Duenas, Occidental
Thesis: Progradational Units as Recorders of Sedimentary Evolution in the Alaskan North Slope and Gulf of Mexico
Bingyi Zhao, Labsystems Diagnostics
Thesis: Assessment of Formation and Evolution of Organic Compounds in Sedimentary Basins: Geochemical and Carbon Isotopic Constraints
Ph.D. Graduates - Geophysics
Rongrong Lin, Universities Space Research Association
Thesis: Geomechanical Modeling Using a Damped Finite Difference Method and Seismic Imaging Using Secondary Scattered Waves
David Mora Calderon, Shell
Thesis: Seismic Resolution and Reservoir Characterization of Thin Sands by Applying, Spectral Broadening, Non-conventional Attributes, and Multiattribute Analysis, in the Daqing Field, China
M.S. Graduates - Geology
Patrick Chandler, Geologist, Schlumberger, Houston, TX
Michael Fonseca, Geosyntec Consultants (environmental company)
Thesis: A Real-time Method to Identify Brittle Zones in Carbonate-rich Mudrocks using Bulk and Trace Element Geochemistry: A Study in Eagle Ford, Haynessville, and Niobrara Formations
Makayla Jacobs, High School Teacher, Pearland ISD
Thesis: Evaluating the Diagenetic History and Developing a Real-Time Method to Identify Authigenic Carbonate Cements in Organic-Rich Mudrock Reservoirs: A Study in the Eagle Ford, Niobrara, Woodford, and Haynesville Formations
Nicole James, Diversified Well Logging, LLC, Houston, TX. Non-thesis master’s degree
Sukru Karaca, Directorate General of Mineral Research and Exploration, Ankara, Turkey
Thesis: Neotectonic Study of the Sibi Re-Entrant
M.S. Graduates - Geophysics
Meghan DiBacco, AP/GT Physics Teacher, Cinco Ranch High School, Katy, TX
Thesis: Land Subsidence and Groundwater Level Changes in the Dickinson – La Marque Area, Galveston County, Texas during the Past Two Decades
Jacob Miller, BP, Houston, TX
Thesis: Stratigraphic, Gravimetric, and Radiometric Evidence for the Oligocene Emergence of the Nascent Lesser Antilles Volcanic Arc between the Grenada and Tobago Basins, Southeastern Caribbean Sea
Alec Vila, Geophysicist, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (Department of Interior)
Thesis: Ground Movements along the Himalayan Arc Derived From GPS Observations (1995-2019)
Spring 2021
Ph.D. Graduates - Atmospheric Sciences
Olabosipo Oluyemisi Osibanjo, Postdoctoral Researcher, FM Global Insurance, Boston, MA
Thesis: Planetary Boundary-Layer Properties and Implications on Air Quality in Mexico City
Ph.D. Graduates - Geology
Yiwei Chen, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Houston (Wu lab)
Thesis: Quantitative Links between Mantle Structure, Plate Tectonics and Dynamic Topography along the Andean and Caribbean Convergent Margins
Shelby Johnston, Government Accountability Office, Denver, CO
Thesis: Isotopic Variability as an Indicator for Earth and Solar System Processes
Amanda Lopez, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA
Thesis: Heavy Metal Geochemistry of Sediments and Oysters from Galveston Bay, Texas
Carlos Andrade, Kansas Department of Health and Environment
Thesis: Silicon Isotope and Petrographic Investigations Of Silicified Carbonate Rocks: Implications for Improved Paragenetic Sequencing and Proxies for Paleozoic Ocean Chemistry
Lucien Nana Yobo, ACES Fellow, Texas A&M University
Thesis: Multi Isotope Study of the Cenomanian – Turonian Ocean Anoxic Event 2 of the Eagle Ford Formation of West Texas
Ph.D. Graduates - Geophysics
Xinwei Huang, BGP, Beijing
Thesis: Mapping Near-surface Seismic Velocities and Q Values with First Arrival Traveltime Tomography
Lian Jiang, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Thesis: Prediction of Rock and Fluid Properties Using Machine Learning, Multi-Scale Short Time Fourier Transform, and Rock Physics
Sharif Morshed, Brazos Valley Geoservices
Thesis: Stress and Frequency Dependent Properties of Poroelastic Anisotropic Rock
Yang Mu, Petrochina Research
Thesis: Water Saturation Inversion Using Time-lapse Seismic Data
Xavier Refunjol, Swift Energy
Thesis: Fluid Discrimination Using De-Trended Seismic Impedance
Jiali Ren, Glority Software, Hangzhou, China
Thesis: Experimental Study of Rock Damage Behavior for Unconventional Reservoir Rocks
Qianqian Wei, CNOOC, Beijing
Thesis: Effects of Rock and Fluid Properties on Seismic Dispersion and Attenuation in Sandstone
Ying Zhang, Chang'An University, Xi'an, China
Thesis: Multimode Interference Problem and Solution in Love Wave Tomography
Xin Zhou, Morgan State University, Maryland
Thesis: Present Sea Level Rise, Land Subsidence, and Coastal Erosion at Freeport, Texas, USA
M.S. Graduates - Geology
Christian Martinez, Golder Associates, Victoria, TX
Thesis: Petrology, Chronology, and Geochemical Analyses of Zircon-Bearing Noritic Diogenite NWA 10666
Daniel Okoro-Sokoh, Columbine Corporation, Midland, TX
Andrew Stearns, TGS
Thesis: Quantifying Hurricane Harvey Sediment Transport in the Houston-Galveston Region
M.S. Graduates - Geophysics
Faisal Kawash, Lumina Technologies, Houston, TX
Kenneth Li, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, U.S. Department of Defense
Thesis: Geophysical Characterization of the Elk Creek Carbonatite Based on 3D Joint Inversion and Geology Differentiation
Kamil Madey, HP
Drew Sims, Price Waterhouse Coopers
Jacob Smith, Hart & Hickman
Summer 2021
Ph.D. Graduates - Atmospheric Sciences
Alqamah Sayeed, USRA/NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL
Thesis: Integrating Deep Neural Network with Numerical Models to Have Better Weather and Air Quality Forecasts Both Spatially and Temporally
Ph.D. Graduates - Geology
Mei Liu, Sinopec, Beijing, China
Thesis: Rift Evolution and Crustal Structure of the Gulf of Mexico Basin from Integration of Multiple Geological and Geophysical Datasets
Delaney Robinson, American Geosciences Institute, Alexandria, VA
Thesis: Sedimentary Signature of Past Ice Sheet and Ocean Dynamics in Antarctica
Hualing Zhang, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, PetroChina, Beijing, China
Thesis: Gravity Modelng, Seismic Stratigraphy and Thermal Maturity Modeling of Hydrocarbons of the Permian Foreland Basin, USA and the Sergipe-Alagoas Rifted-Passive Margin, Brazil
Ph.D. Graduates - Geophysics
Maria Amirzadeh, University of Houston, Department of Petroleum Engineering
Thesis: Dependence of Seismic Reflectivity Moments and Spectra and Deconvolution Assumptions on Sample Rate and Intrabed Multiples in a Variety of Sedimentary Basins
Avradip Ghosh, TDI Brooks International
Thesis: A Green's Function Approach to the Study of Effective Anisotropic Properties of the Barnett Shale
Shuhang Tang, Southwest Petroleum University, China
Thesis: Reconstruction of Sparsely Sampled Seismic Data via Residual U-Net and Earthquake Stress Drop for a Circular Crack in an Anisotropic Medium
M.S. Graduates - Geology
Grant Cannizzaro, PetroChief International, Inc, The Woodlands, TX
Geraldine Tijerina, Whiting Oil and Gas, Houston, TX
M.S. Graduates - Geophysics
Long Ho, University of Alabama
Thesis: Azimuthal Anisotropy before Major Earthquakes in Japan from Shear Wave Splitting Analysis