Alumni Association Officers
2024–2025 Officers
Julian Chenin (’18)
Co-President & Co-Director of Events
Julian Chenin graduated from the UH EAS department with a B.S. in Geology in 2018, and with an M.Sc. in Geophysics from the University of Oklahoma. He is currently helping ROGII create new subsurface workflows through new integrations and partnerships. While at UH, Julian studied under Dr. Mike Murphy investigating the migration of the Yellowstone Hotspot. While completing his master’s degree, he worked with Dr. Heather Bedle to research machine learning applications for identifying gas hydrates and low saturation gas in seismic data. He loves the outdoors and any chance to cook BBQ!
David Lankford-Bravo (’17)
Co-President & Co-Director of Events
David (Daveed) has a B.S. in geology from the University of Houston and a Ph.D. in Geosciences from the University of Texas at El Paso. At UH, he researched the Perdido Fold Belt and the Mexican Ridges in the Gulf of Mexico as part of the Conjugate Basins Tectonics and Hydrocarbons (CBTH) consortium. At UTEP, he focused on field exposures of salt diapirs and studied the depositional and deformational histories of sediment adjacent to the Onion Creek Salt Diapir near Moab, Utah, as part of the Salt Sediment Interactions Research Consortium (SSIRC). He currently works as a geologist at bp. In addition to being a geologist, David has volunteered with the World Petroleum Council, Houston Geological Society Student Expo, the IMAGE conference, and other events/professional societies where he is passionate about STEM and energy education and supporting students and young professionals throughout their development.
Judy Schulenberg (’80)
Acting Director of Communications; Legacy Director
Judy Schulenberg has over 30 years experience in all aspects of exploration and development, in both conventional and unconventional plays. She has supervised multidisciplined teams, written “best practices” guidelines for unconventional development, and has developed and delivered training courses for both geoscientists and non-geoscientists. She has extensive experience in all aspects of recruiting, mentoring and training in the oil industry. In addition to dual licensure in both geology and geophysics, Ms. Schulenberg is also licensed in Myers-Briggs Personality Assessment.
Ms. Schulenberg is an active member of American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), Houston Geological Society (HGS), AAPG House of Delegates, Geophysical Society of Houston (GSH) and Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). She serves as Secretary of the Warren L. and Florence Calvert Memorial Scholarship board and has also served on the board of HGS. She is active on the GSH Outreach committee. She has served as an industry mentor for the UH IBA competition team and is currently involved in establishing a mentoring program at UH EAS. Additionally, she has been involved in SPE’s mentoring program utilizing its Members in Transition program to reach both students and newly graduated employees.
She was a founding member of the UH College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Alumni Association and served several years as chair of its scholarship committee. She is proud to credit the UH for the geoscience career she has enjoyed.
Bill Beck (’95, M.S. ’99)
Director of Development
Bill Beck graduated from the UH Department of Geoscience with a B.S. in Geology and in Geophysics in May 1995, then an M.S. in Geology in December 1999. His thesis advisor was Dr. Jack Casey.
Bill serves as the Branch Chief, Fluid Minerals and Lands with the Wyoming State Office of the Bureau of Land Management. In this role, he will utilize his 25 years in the oil and gas industry to manage a team of petroleum geoscientists, petroleum engineers, and natural resource conservationists. Previously, Bill was an explorationist with multiple international oil companies, integrated and mid-sized operators, and very small operators. He has also worked in seismic data processing in technology groups and service companies. He has experience in basins from the north and south Atlantic margins, North Sea, Caspian Sea, Chukchi Sea, South China Sea, and especially the Gulf of Mexico. He is a licensed professional geoscientist with the State of Texas.
Bill is also a 26-year retired Air Force officer. His notable military accomplishments include deploying for DESERT STORM/SHIELD, ENDURING FREEDOM, and numerous international humanitarian aid missions; developing a disaster response capability for FEMA Region VI and for the State of Texas; responding to Hurricanes KATRINA (2005), RITA (2005), DOLLY (2008), GUSTAV (2008), and IKE (2008); coordinating exchange programs with Texas’ international state partners; writing Air Force doctrine; and serving as an Air Force TopSTAR instructor. He has been recognized as a subject matter expert on organizational and project management, and he continues to serve as a mentor to many officers around the Air Force and the Air National Guard. He was nationally recognized for his efforts including the 2003 Young Healthcare Administrator of the Year and the 2009 Air National Guard Medical Service Corps Officer of the Year.
Bill is a former UHGAA President, a former NSMAA At-Large Board Member, a former Houston Alumni Organization (HAO) Membership Committee Member, a founding member of the UH EAS Alumni Association, and currently serves as the Director, Legacy Committee. He has presided over multiple military-related professional organizations including the Society of Air National Guard Medical Service Corps Officers and the Alamo Chapter of the American College of Contingency Planners. Bill was a Founding member of his church’s Leadership Council and served on multiple international missions. In addition, he has served with multiple youth sports and church organizations and was a District-recognized Scouter, teaching the Geology and Emergency Management merit badges. Bill and his wife Sunshine have two adult children, Hannah and Charles, and yes, Charles is an Eagle Scout!