Course Listing
(Disclaimer: Be advised that some information on this page may not be current due to course scheduling changes.
Please view either the UH Class Schedule page or your Class schedule in myUH for the most current/updated information.)
(Faculty should log into their Faculty Center to gain access to the Adoption Portal or via the UH Campus Store "icon" in AccessUH)
*NEW* Some courses may have textbooks and additional resources available through Canvas and CCS. To check your section, click the Canvas Course Finder link.
Course | Class # |
Course Title | Co-requisite | Day & Time | Room # | Instructor |
Math 1100 - 01 | 14711 | Developmental Math | MATH 1314 | Online | Asynchronous Online/On Campus Exams | H. Chern |
Math 1100 - 02 | 15703 | Developmental Math | MATH 1332 | Online | Asynchronous Online/On Campus Exams | H. Chern |
Math 1100 - 03 | 15704 | Developmental Math | MATH 1324 | Online | Asynchronous Online/On Campus Exams | H. Chern |
Math 1100 - 04 | 15705 | Developmental Math | MATH 1342 | Online | Asynchronous Online/On Campus Exams | H. Chern |
- Synchronous Online: courses have NO Face-to-Face classes but do meet at a particular day and time in a virtual classroom. All course materials are available online and virtual lectures may be recorded to provide additional flexibility for students to view them later. These courses are displayed as “Online” with a Meeting Time in the class schedule.
- Asynchronous Online: courses have NO Face-to-Face classes or virtual meeting times. All course materials are available online anytime. These courses are displayed as “Online” with NO Meeting Time in the schedule.
- Some courses may have textbooks and additional resources available through Canvas and CCS. To check your section, click the Canvas Course Finder link.
(These courses will apply toward a degree in Mathematics)
Course | Class # |
Course Title | Course Day & Time | Rm # | Instructor |
Math 2131-02 | 15643 | Linear Algebra Labs w/MATLAB | TTh, 4—5:30PM | S 120 | A. Goligerdian |
Math 2131-01 | 12860 | Linear Algebra Labs w/MATLAB | MW, 2:30—4PM | CBB 124 | M. Simmons |
Math 2305-01 | 10758 | Discrete Mathematics | MW, 1—2:30PM | CBB 124 | M. Ru |
Math 2305-02 | 10759 | Discrete Mathematics | Asynchronous/On Campus Exams | Online | N. Leger |
Math 2305-04 | 13443 | Discrete Mathematics | TTh, 10—11:30AM | GAR G201 | J. Winkle |
Math 2305-05 | 16589 | Discrete Mathematics | MWF, 10—11AM | CBB 124 | B. Xhabli |
Math 2305-06 | 17888 | Discrete Mathematics | TTh, 2:30—4PM | GAR G201 | J. Winkle |
Math 2305-07 | 21720 | Discrete Mathematics | MWF, 2:30—4PM | CBB 122 | A. Caglar |
Math 2305-08 | 21721 | Discrete Mathematics | MW, 2:30—5PM | CBB 108 | L. Cappanera |
Math 2305-07 | 21731 | Discrete Mathematics | TTh, 8:30—10AM | GAR G201 | N. Leger |
Math 2318-01 | 11165 | Linear Algebra | TTh, 2:30—4PM | SEC 206 | J. He |
Math 2318-02 | 16591 | Linear Algebra | TTh, 1—2:30PM | F 154 | R. Sanders |
Math 2318-03 | 12859 | Linear Algebra | Asynchronous/On Campus Exams | Online | M. Perepelitsa |
Math 2318-04 | 15625 | Linear Algebra | MWF, 10—11AM | SEC 204 | N. Sherf |
Math 2318-05 | 15626 | Linear Algebra | MW, 4—5:30PM | SEC 203 | Y. He |
Math 2318-07 | 21719 | Linear Algebra | TTh, 8:30—10AM | CBB 110 | C. Puelz |
Math 2318-08 | 21837 | Linear Algebra | TTh, 4—5:30PM | MH 110 | N. Charon |
Math 3325-01 | 16840 | Transition to Advanced Mathematics | MWF, 9—10AM | AH 301 | A. Vershynina |
Math 3325-02 | 12184 | Transition to Advanced Mathematics | TTh, 2:30—4PM | SEC 201 | D. Onofrei |
Math 3330-04 | 13570 | Abstract Algebra | TTh, 10—11:30AM | S 102 | P. Zhong |
Math 3331-01 | 21716 | Intermediate Differential Equations | MW, 2:30—4PM | S 116 | M. Zhong |
Math 3331-02 | 10757 | Intermediate Differential Equations | TTh, 10—11:30AM | SEC 105 | R. Sanders |
Math 3333-01 | 21717 | Intermediate Analysis | MW, 2:30—4PM | SEC 206 | D. Labate |
Math 3333-02 | 15628 | Intermediate Analysis | TTh, 1—2:30PM | SEC 201 | D. Onofrei |
Math 3338-02 | 14720 | Probability | TTh, 10—11:30AM | AH 301 | W. Fu |
Math 3338-03 | 11732 | Probability | MW, 4—5:30PM | S 102 | R. Azencott |
Math 3339-01 | 12482 | Statistics for the Sciences | MW, 1—2:30PM | SEC 206 | J. Cao |
Math 3339-02 | 17887 | Statistics for the Sciences | MWF, 11AM—Noon | SEC 201 | W. Wang |
Math 3339-03 | 11889 | Statistics for the Sciences | TTh, 1—2:30PM | SEC 206 | W. Fu |
Math 3339-05 | 13444 | Statistics for the Sciences |
Asynchronous/On Campus Exams | Online | W. Wang |
Math 3339-06 | 21718 | Statistics for the Sciences | TTh, 4—5:30PM | S 105 | H. Jeon |
Math 3339-07 | 18922 | Statistics for the Sciences | Asynchronous/On Campus Exams (mini session) | Online | W. Wang |
Math 3339-08 | 26448 | Statistics for the Sciences | TTh, 8:30—10AM | S 105 | D. Deng |
Math 3349-01 | 14245 | Inferential Statistics | TTh, 1—2:30PM | S 202 | C. Poliak |
Math 3363-01 | 12058 | Introduction to Partial Differential Equations | TTh, 4—5:30PM | F 154 | M. Wang |
Math 3363-03 | 15630 | Introduction to Partial Differential Equations | TTh, 10—11:30AM | SEC 204 | W. Fitzgibbon |
Math 3363-05 | 15631 | Introduction to Partial Differential Equations | MW, 1—2:30PM | SEC 204 | L. Cappanera |
Math 3364-01 | 12181 | Introduction to Complex Analysis | TTh, 1—2:30PM | AH 301 | A. Torok |
Math 3379-01 | 25087 | Intro. to Higher Geometry | TTh, 1—2:30PM | SEC 203 | J. May |
Math 4309-01 | 11810 | Mathematical Biology | MW, 2:30—4PM | S 115 | R. Azevedo |
Math 4322-01 | 14710 | Intro. to Data Science and Machine Learning | TTh, 11:30AM—1PM | AH 110 | C. Poliak |
Math 4323-01 | 14260 | Data Science and Statistical Learning | MWF, 10—11AM | SEC 105 | W. Wang |
Math 4332-01 | 10760 | Intro. to Real Analysis II | MWF, 9—10AM | S 101 | M. Nicol |
Math 4362-01 | 13774 | Theory of Differential Equations & Nonlinear Dynamics | MWF, Noon—1PM | S 120 | G. Jaramillo |
Math 4364-01 | 12597 | Intro. to Numerical Analysis in Scientific Computing | MW, 4—5:30PM | SEC 206 | T. Pan |
Math 4364-02 | 16588 | Intro. to Numerical Analysis in Scientific Computing | Asynchronous/On Campus Exams | Online | J. Morgan |
Math 4365-01 | 12169 | Numerical Methods for Differn | TTh, 11:30AM—1PM | S 101 | J. He |
Math 4370-01 | 21036 | Mathematics for Physicists | MW, 4—5:30PM | S 119 | A. Weglein |
Math 4377-04 | 12392 | Advanced Linear Algebra I | TTh, 11:30—1PM | SEC 203 | A. Mamonov |
Math 4378-01 | 10761 | Advanced Linear Algebra II | TTh, 11:30—1PM | S 202 | G. Heier |
Math 4380-01 | 10762 | Survey of Undergraduate Mathematics | MW, 4—5:30PM | S 132 | M. Papadakis |
Math 4389-01 | 10763 | Survey of Undergraduate Mathematics | TTh, 1—2:30PM | GAR G201 | D. Blecher |
Summer sessions: Session #2: (06/02—07/03) , Session #3: (06/02—07/24) , Session #4: (07/07—08/06)
Course | Class # |
Course Title | Course Day & Time | Rm # | Instructor |
Math 2305-01 | 14833 | Discrete Mathematics | Asynchronous - On Campus Exams (Session 3) | N/A | M. Perepelitsa |
Math 2305-02 | 12242 | Discrete Mathematics | MTWThF, Noon—2PM (Session 4) | TBA | M. Papadakis |
Math 3325-01 | 11466 | Transition to Advanced Mathematics | MTWThF, Noon—2PM (Session 2) | S 114 | N. Leger |
Math 3333-01 | 11621 | Intermediate Analysis | MTWThF, 10AM—Noon (Session 4) | SEC 203 | M. Nicol |
Math 3338-01 | 13056 | Probability | MTWThF, 10AM—Noon (Session 4) | C 118 | X. Deng |
Math 3339-01 | 14597 | Statistics for the Sciences | MTWThF, 10AM—Noon (Session 2) | SEC 205 | Y. Niu |
Math 3339-02 | 14672 | Statistics for the Sciences | Asynchronous - On Campus Exams (Mini Session) | N/A | W. Wang |
Math 4322-02 | 13568 | Intro. to Data Science and Machine Learning | Asynchronous - On Campus Exams (Session 3) | N/A | C. Poliak |
Math 4377-01 | 10089 | Advanced Linear Algebra I | MTWThF, 10AM—Noon (Session 2) | S 116 | M. Perepelitsa |
Math 4378-01 | 10464 | Advanced Linear Algebra I | MTWThF, 2—4PM (Session 4) | SEC 205 | M. Papadakis |
Math 4389-01 | 14595 | Survey of Undergraduate Mathematics | MTWThF, Noon—2PM (Session 4) | AH 301 | D. Blecher |
There are 4 separate sections of MATH 1100, in which each have a specific co-requisite. The 4 sections of MATH 1100 and their co-requisites are listed below. Students also need to be TSI incomplete in Math in order to enroll in MATH 1100. Co-enrollment in MATH 1351 (previously MATH 1312) will not be permitted in Fall 2022 and thereafter. Please also refer to the TSI website to confirm these courses. NOTE: a new requirement for MATH 1300 enrollment is that students must have a TSI Math Adult Basic Education score below 5.
*NEW* Some courses may have textbooks and additional resources available through Canvas and CCS. To check your section, click the Canvas Course Finder link.
Course | Class # |
Course Title | Co-requisite | Day & Time | Room # | Instructor |
Math 1100 - 01 | X | Developmental Math | MATH 1314 | Online | Asynchronous Online/On Campus Exams | TBD |
Math 1100 - 02 | X | Developmental Math | MATH 1332 | Online | Asynchronous Online/On Campus Exams | TBD |
Math 1100 - 03 | X | Developmental Math | MATH 1324 | Online | Asynchronous Online/On Campus Exams | TBD |
Math 1100 - 04 | X | Developmental Math | MATH 1342 | Online | Asynchronous Online/On Campus Exams | TBD |
TABLE NOTES: EVERY OTHER ROW IS LIGHT BLUE: #f4fcff . Table border color: #029ff3
- Synchronous Online: courses have NO Face-to-Face classes but do meet at a particular day and time in a virtual classroom. All course materials are available online and virtual lectures may be recorded to provide additional flexibility for students to view them later. These courses are displayed as “Online” with a Meeting Time in the class schedule.
- Asynchronous Online: courses have NO Face-to-Face classes or virtual meeting times. All course materials are available online anytime. These courses are displayed as “Online” with NO Meeting Time in the schedule.
- Some courses may have textbooks and additional resources available through Canvas and CCS. To check your section, click the Canvas Course Finder link.
(These courses will apply toward a degree in Mathematics)
Course | Class # |
Course Title | Course Day & Time | Rm # | Instructor |
Math 2131-01 | 13852 | Linear Algebra Labs w/MATLAB | TTh, 4—5:30PM | CBB 110 | TBA |
Math 2131-02 | 13583 | Linear Algebra Labs w/MATLAB | MW, 2:30—4PM | CBB 108 | TBA |
Math 2305-01 | 17624 | Discrete Mathematics | TTh, 11:30AM—1PM | CBB 106 | J. Winkle |
Math 2305-02 | 16719 | Discrete Mathematics | MWF, 11AM—Noon | CBB 104 | B. Xhabli |
Math 2305-03 | 17853 | Discrete Mathematics | TTh, 4—5:30PM | SEC 105 | M. Papadakis |
Math 2305-04 | 13854 | Discrete Mathematics | TTh, 2:30—4PM | CBB 124 | J. Winkle |
Math 2305-05 | 14980 | Discrete Mathematics | Asynchronous - On Campus Exams | N/A | N. Leger |
Math 2305-06 | 18713 | Discrete Mathematics | MW, 1—2:30PM | SEC 206 | TBA |
Math 2305-07 | 19386 | Discrete Mathematics | TTh, 8:30—10AM | GAR G201 | N. Leger |
Math 2305-08 | 21829 | Discrete Mathematics | TTh, 1—2:30PM | SEC 105 | J. May |
Math 2305-09 | 24448 | Discrete Mathematics | TTh, 5:30—7PM | CBB 104 | J. May |
Math 2318-01 | 13421 | Linear Algebra | MW, 1—2:30PM | CBB 108 | TBA |
Math 2318-03 | 11900 | Linear Algebra | TTh, 10—11:30AM | CBB 108 | R. Sanders |
Math 2318-04 | 12481 | Linear Algebra | TTh, 2:30—4PM | CBB 104 | R. Sanders |
Math 2318-05 | 12674 | Linear Algebra | Asynchronous - On Campus Exams | M. Perepelitsa | |
Math 2318-07 | 17626 | Linear Algebra | MWF, 10—11AM | CBB 104 | M. Zhong |
Math 2318-08 | 17965 | Linear Algebra | TTh, 8:30—10AM | CBB 104 | M. Olshanskii |
Math 2318-09 | 18714 | Linear Algebra | MW, 4—5:30PM | CBB 104 | N. Charon |
Math 3325-01 | 12541 | Transition to Advanced Mathematics | TTh, 1—2:30PM | CBB 104 | Y. Wu |
Math 3325-02 | 21782 | Transition to Advanced Mathematics | MWF, 11AM—Noon | CBB 106 | A. Vershynina |
Math 3330-01 | 15864 | Abstract Algebra | TTh, 2:30—4PM | SEC 204 | M. Kalantar |
Math 3331-02 | 12038 | Intermediate Differential Equations | MWF, 10—11AM | SEC 206 | TBA |
Math 3331-03 | 25790 | Intermediate Differential Equations | TTh, 8:30—10AM | SEC 204 | C. Puelz |
Math 3333-03 | 12482 | Intermediate Analysis | MWF, 11AM—Noon | CBB 108 | M. Nicol |
Math 3333-04 | 17816 | Intermediate Analysis | TTh, 1—2:30PM | SEC 202 | W. Ott |
Math 3338-01 | 14981 | Probability | TTh, 8:30—10AM | CBB 214 | TBA |
Math 3338-03 | 18757 | Probability | MW, 2:30—4PM | CBB 104 | R. Azencott |
Math 3339-01 | 14982 | Statistics for the Sciences | TTh, 4—5:30PM | SEC 103 | W. Fu |
Math 3339-03 | 13577 | Statistics for the Sciences | MW, 1—2:30PM | SEC 103 | J. Ryan |
Math 3339-04 | 12483 | Statistics for the Sciences | Asynchronous/On Campus Exams | N/A | W. Wang |
Math 3339-05 | 14571 | Statistics for the Sciences |
MWF, 11AM—Noon | SEC 105 | H. Jeon |
Math 3339-06 | 24493 | Statistics for the Sciences | TTh, 10—11:30AM | SEC 105 | TBA |
Math 3339-08 | 25560 | Statistics for the Sciences | TTh, 2:30—4PM | GAR G201 | M. Papadakis |
Math 3340-01 | 11633 | Intro To Fixed Income Math | TTh, 8:30—10AM | S 114 | I. Timofeyev |
Math 3349-01 | 18856 | Inferential Statistics | MW, 4—5:30PM | CBB 214 | J. Cao |
Math 3363-01 | 11422 | Introduction to Partial Differential Equations | Asynchronous/On Campus Exams | Online | J. Morgan |
Math 3363-03 | 11822 | Introduction to Partial Differential Equations | TTh, 4—5:30PM | CBB 106 | A. Mamonov |
Math 3363-04 | 13644 | Introduction to Partial Differential Equations | TTh, 10—11:30AM | CBB 120 | W. Fitzgibbon |
Math 3363-06 | 13644 | Introduction to Partial Differential Equations | W, 8—7:30PM (Hybrid/DMU China) | TBA | J. Morgan |
Math 3364-01 | 17268 | Introduction to Complex Analysis | TTh, 10—11:30AM | CBB 104 | A. Torok |
Math 4310-01 | 14624 | Biostatistics | MWF, 10—11AM | F 162 | D. Labate |
Math 4320-01 | 11424 | Intro To Stochastic Processes | TTh, 11:30AM—1PM | SEC 202 | W. Ott |
Math 4322-01 | 24485 | Intro. to Data Science and Machine Learning | TTh, 2:30—4PM | SEC 105 | Y. Niu |
Math 4322-02 | 15183 | Intro. to Data Science and Machine Learning | TTh, 11:30AM—1PM | SEC 105 | C . Poliak |
Math 4323-01 | 15157 | Data Science and Statistical Learning | MWF, 10—11AM | SE 105 | W. Wang |
Math 4331-02 | 12675 | Intro to Real Analysis I | MWF, 10—11AM | CBB 106 | A. Vershynina |
Math 4335-01 | 13866 | Partial Differential Equations I | TTh, 8:30—10AM | CBB 124 | L. Cappanera |
Math 4339-02 | 14725 | Multivariate Statistics | TTh, 1—2:30PM | SEC 201 | C. Poliak |
Math 4364-01 | 13027 | Intro. to Numerical Analysis in Scientific Computing | MW, 4—5:30PM | SEC 204 | T. Pan |
Math 4364-02 | 14983 | Intro. to Numerical Analysis in Scientific Computing | TTh, 1—2:30PM | SEC 204 | A. Mamonov |
Math 4366-01 | 18762 | Numerical Linear Algebra | TTh, 11:30AM—1PM | CBB 214 | J. He |
Math 4377-04 | 12677 | Advanced Linear Algebra I | TTh, 8:30—10AM | CBB 106 | A. Quaini |
Math 4383-01 | 21877 | Number Theory & Cryptography | MW, 1—2:30PM | CBB 214 | M. Ru |
Math 4388-01 | 12677 | History of Mathematics | Asynchronous / On Campus Exams | N/A | S. Ji |
Math 4389-01 | 11824 | Survey of Undergraduate Mathematics | MWF, 9—10AM | AH 301 | V. Climenhaga |