Faculty Profile - University of Houston
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Faculty Profile

Pavan HosurPavan Hosur

Associate Professor
Department of Physics

Office: Houston Science Center, 307
Contact: phosur@uh.edu - 713-743-1033

Education: Post Doc, Stanford University, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, B. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Google Scholar Profile

Dr. Pavan Hosur’s research interests are in theoretical condensed matter physics and quantum statistical mechanics. Within condensed matter theory, he is currently excited about topological phases of matter, especially gapless ones such as Dirac and Weyl semimetals. He is also interested in exploring unusual broken symmetry phases and devising ways to detect them in experiments. Questions in quantum statistical mechanics that he is thinking about revolve around quantum ergodicity, quantum chaos, and generally, how ideas from classical statistical mechanics apply to quantum systems. These questions have received a surge of interest lately via work on Eigenstate Thermalization and Many-Body Localization, but many aspects remain unclear. Hosur hopes to understand and contribute toward resolving them in the coming years.

Honors and Awards

  • NSF CAREER award 2021
  • Acknowledged in the Scientific Background for the 2016 Nobel prize in Physics
  • Sigma Xi full member since 2021