Committee Charge

The Standing Committee on Intellectual Property, Committee Charge


The Standing Committee on Intellectual Property has sixteen members, four of whom serve ex-officio and twelve of whom are faculty members selected for rotating three year terms by the Faculty Senate.

Terms of Membership

Rotating three year terms.


Elected by the committee. Chair for period of Fiscal Year elected - September through August.


Policy Issues

The committee will advise and recommend to the president:

  • Guidelines and procedures for implementation of the Board of Regents Intellectual Property Policy, section 21.08;
  • Proposed amendments to the board policies; and
  • Such other matters as the president directs.
Evaluation of Inventions

After an invention is disclosed, the Intellectual Property Committee shall review the technology and recommend that the university adopt one of the following (within 120 days from the first scheduled meeting after the disclosure is made):

  • Institute action to acquire patent protection and, if so, whether to pursue such action itself or to refer the technology to a patent management agency; or license the technology as know-how and/or a trade secret, whether or not it obtains patent protection;
  • Transfer intellectual property rights in the technology to the research sponsor if such transfer is required by the research agreement;
  • Waive ownership in the intellectual property rights in the technology in favor of the inventor and release the inventor from further responsibility to the university with respect to the technology that was disclosed, provided, however, that any future improvements or modifications are the property of the university and subject to the same policy; or
  • request additional pertinent information needed for the committee to evaluate the disclosure. In such circumstances, the committee shall deem the disclosure "not adequate" and the calculation of the time frames shall not begin until the requested information is received by the committee.
Resolution of Copyright or Equity Disputes

A University Copyright Appeals Committee, an Ad Hoc Subcommittee of the Standing Committee on Intellectual Property, shall review the applications for the resolution of copyright or equity disputes and shall submit its recommendation to the Chancellor/President. Either the employee or the Vice President for Research may request a review.

The Copyright Appeals Committee shall be appointed by the Chancellor/President from nominations submitted by the Standing Committee on Intellectual Property and shall function in accordance with policies and procedures established by the Standing Committee on Intellectual Property and reviewed by the University Faculty Senates. The Chancellor/President's decision will be binding on all parties, and will be conveyed to all involved in a timely fashion, but must be conveyed within 60 working days.


Administrative Assistant, Office of Intellectual Property Management.


Seven faculty members shall constitute a quorum.


Members of the Standing Committee on Intellectual Property will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement. Likewise, any members of the University community who are approached for advice and counsel with regard to any invention disclosure shall also be asked to sign a confidentiality statement.