Student Organizations
Ahlul Bayt Student Organization
As a united group, we work together with other Muslim, religious, and secular groups, to play our role in fostering a collaborative spirit amongst the campus and local communities, society, the Muslim Ummah, and humanity. Such unity will help us to better fulfill the ultimate goal of living by and spreading the Truth of God.
Alpha Omega
Alpha Omega is a Christian campus ministry dedicated to knowing and loving God deeply by knowing and living out His Word and through fellowship with one another.
The main objective of Al Maghrib Students is to make Islamic knowledge as simple as possible. As a result, we hope to provide our members with in-depth knowledge as well as the practical applications of their skill sets. We hope to empower pioneers who will serve their communities and humanity on the basis of Islamic knowledge and lessons.
Asian American InterVarsity
Baptist Student Ministry (BSM)
BSM is a student-led mission organization that lives in the grace and rest of God and makes disciples in our communities. Website: www.uhbsm.org Address: 4801 Calhoun Rd. (Across from the Rec Center, next to the commuter lot)
Bhakti Yoga Club (BYC)
Bhakti Yoga Club offers a platform for students to discuss philosophy aimed at self-realization. The club aims to offer help for students to overcome addictions, distractions using the ancient wisdom of spirituality, meditation sessions, practical service sessions like gardening, Vegetarian cooking. Through a dynamic philosophy of self-realization, acquiring skills like meditation and developing cutting-edge lifestyle tools for the modern day, this club is a sacred space for attaining wisdom to lead a successful and more importantly, happy lifestyle.
Black Campus Ministries at UH (UH BCM)
Bauer Student Union
BSU prepares you for life after graduation. We want to encourage the diversity that we have among all our students while forming a common platform for all those who wish to excel and help you master the skills needed to be great assets for employers.
Believers LoveWorld Campus Ministry
BLW began because every young person deserves to know the most awesome personality who walked this planet, it began because every young person deserves to meet him. At BLW Campus Ministry, what we do is simple - we bring you God in his simplicity.
Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha (BAPS) Campus Fellowship
The purpose of the organization shall be to unite students on the University of Houston campus and provide opportunities to learn about Hindu heritage and culture. It will introduce the Hindu faith to the rest of the Houston community and will foster issues affecting Hindus through youth group discussions, campus events, and community service projects. -
Campus Crusade for Christ
Cru is one of the nation's largest students ministries. Our aim and our goal are to make the gospel of Jesus Christ known by all students on campus.
Campus Ministry International at The University of Houston (UH CMI)
Campus Ministry International at The University of Houston exists to lead college students to a saving relationship with Jesus through the new birth experience (according to Acts 2:38), to develop them into disciples, and to connect them to a godly community.
Campus Outreach
Dialoguing the misconceptions of Christianity while equipping students to learn about Jesus Christ and what it looks like to follow him.
Canterbury Ministries
Christian campus ministry dedicated to spreading the love and message of Jesus Christ to all.
Catholic Student Organization
Welcome to the Catholic Coogs! Join our young, diverse, and energetic Catholic Community! There are many opportunities to dive deeper into your faith and find on campus.
Chabad at University of Houston
Chabad provides Jewish programs and services to educate, inspire, and uplift students from all walks of life with unconditional love and acceptance.
Chess Club at The University of Houston
Chess Club at UH is a great way for students to play chess with each other on campus and meet like-minded people. All chess enthusiasts are welcome regardless of your skill level! Don't know how to play chess? No problem! We provide resources that can teach you how to play.
Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship (XA)
We are a Spirit-empowered, diverse community of believers, declaring in word and lifestyle our faith in Jesus Christ, equipped to fulfill our purpose in God’s global plan.
Christian Legal Society (CLS)
The organization provides a forum for the discussion of problems relating to Christianity and the law, and with bar associations and other organizations in asserting and maintaining high standards of legal ethics.
Christian Medical and Dental Associations
Founded in 1931, CMDA provides programs and services supporting its mission to "change hearts in healthcare" with a current membership of more than 20,000 healthcare professionals.
Christian Pharmacist Fellowship International
CPFI is a non-denominational organization dedicated to encouraging the growth of Christianity and God's love in the pharmacy profession.
Christians at UH
Christians searching for a Bible Study and other events can find us in the UC on Tuesdays From Monday to Thursday in the UC South for small groups Come join us. Tuesdays: 12:00 PM UC South, Downtown Room Monday to Thursday: 12:00 PM UC South,
Coogs for Christ
A Christian campus ministry open to everyone. It is overseen by the Church of Christ's office in the religion center, room 101, a.k.a. The Point: "because life is a mystery until you get it."
DREAM Campus Ministry at UH. Open bible discussions. Personal bible studies. Friday night devotional. Worship services.
Delight Ministries
Delight is more than just a bible study! We meet weekly to share stories of God at work. We also incorporate worship nights, opportunities to serve, and fun get-togethers that help foster relationships. We fully believe in doing life together. Delight provides the opportunity for hundreds of women to "delight" in the Lord together throughout their college journey.
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Zeta Sigma Chapter
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. The largest Black Greek Organization. A Public Service Sorority.
Every Nation Campus
Every Nation Campus is a global campus movement committed to bringing the gospel to the campuses of the world. We firmly believe that if we change the campus, we can change the world.
Faith In Action
Faith In Action believes in living with God every second in our lives. We offer a series of Bible lessons that will show you who God really is and how God is living in our everyday lives and not just a God that lives in the Bible 2000 years ago.
Global Guides at the University of Houston
Global Guides is a student-led organization that works with the Learning Abroad office with the purpose of spreading excitement and awareness for learning abroad.
Global Medical Missions Alliance
GMMA (Global Medical Missions Alliance) is a Christ-centered organization that aims to equip and send mission-minded students to medical mission trips to become glo-local missionaries. We welcome all students of all majors with a heart for missions!
Good News Gospel Choir (GNGC)
The Good News Gospel Choir's purpose is to rejoice in the name of God through song as well as minister to the University of Houston Campus. We are a Christian organization dedicated to spreading the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
H.E.R Community
Established on Christian beliefs, the Women of Honor, Excellence, and Rarity (H.E.R) was founded and designed with the three core principals of Sophistication, Community & Unity.
HARVEST: South Asian InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (Harvest SAIV))
Harvest is a South Asian chapter of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, a globally known campus ministry. Our fellowship is a safe place for all types of South Asians to grow and seek after Jesus Christ through Bible studies, community events, training and the example of mature students. We focus on God's power to transform student's lives as we grow to know who we are in Him and His mission for us.
Houston Hillel enriches the lives of Jewish undergraduate students so that they may enrich the Houston Jewish community, the Jewish people, and the world.
Hindu YUVA
Hindu YUVA is a non-profit student organization that aims to preserve, practice, and promote Hindu cultural values on the campus. To that end, we organize various activities and events which include yoga, sewa - community service, camps, workshops, and more. It is a great place to find and work with inspired Hindu youth.
Houston's First Baptist Coogs
Groups of students gather together to represent the body of Christ on campus.
Houston StuMo
Jubilee Fellowship
Jubilee Fellowship is Christian community for followers of the faith, newcomers and interested seekers. This organization serves as a community where UH students can learn about the Christian faith, study the Bible, engage in prayer/worship, commune with like-minded peers and build a community founded on God’s love and purpose. Our mission is to empower God’s people with the truth and joy of salvation for the transformation of culture and society into one that is centered on Jesus Christ.
International Christian Fellowship at UH
ICF @ UH is made up of International Students and Scholars at the University of Houston. Our vision is to see international students and faculty transformed, campuses renewed, and world changers developed.
International Students Organization
ISO aims at promoting and building better relations and understanding among international students as well as creating stronger ties between international students and American students through the presentation of accurate information of the different nations represented by international students enrolled at the university.
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship at UH
We are a community of students serving the campus in boldness and humility. From the love and grace given to us by Jesus Christ, we want to let others experience a relationship with an almighty God.
Jewish Legal Society
The Jewish Legal Society is the Jewish Law Students Group at the University of Houston Law Center. We bring together Jewish and non-Jewish law students, attorneys, judges, and others for networking and fostering a strong legal community.
Kappa Alpha Order
Kappa Alpha Order seeks to create a lifetime experience which centers on reverence to God, duty, honor, character, and gentlemanly conduct.
Kingdom Victory Campus Ministry
If you are someone that is: unsure but curious about the whole 'Christian' thing, a believer that wants to grow deeper in their relationship with God, someone seeking fellowship with like-minded believers, a believer but have no clue what the Kingdom even is… This is the community for YOU.
Meditation Monday
Meditation Monday is a safe place to meditate on campus, free of charge.
Muslim Inter-Scholastic Tournament
We inspire high school students to collaborate and compete, develop creative skills, and learn from professionals, while educating them about Islam and Muslims. MIST envisions a vibrant community of creativity, knowledge, and mutual respect.
Muslim Legal Society (MLS)
The Muslim Legal Society exists to promote the voices of Muslims in the legal profession and to create a forum for campus-wide discussion of topics related to the local, national, and international Muslim community.
Muslim Student Association (MSA)
Established in 1964, the UHMSA was founded as a place for Muslim students attending the University of Houston from all backgrounds and cultures to make friends and find a supportive community. The UHMSA seeks to create a strong unified Muslim student body as well as contribute to bettering our community through public service and outreach programs. Through our community efforts, the UHMSA aims to educate and inform the at large community what Islam truly teaches and what being a Muslim is all about.
Muslimahs for Change
An organization that promotes a positive understanding of women in Islam and works to actively combat prejudice and misconception while providing members opportunities for professional development, social connection, and spiritual growth.
Orthodox Christian Campus Ministries (OCCM)
To experience the church through prayer, service, and study of Oriental Orthodox Literature; to evangelize the unique message of Oriental Orthodox Churches, and to deepen the involvement of youth into the Oriental Orthodox Community.
Ratio Christi at the University of Houston (RCUH)
Ratio Christi (Latin for ‘The Reason of Christ’) is a global movement that equips university students and faculty to give historical, philosophical, and scientific reasons for following Jesus Christ.
Redeemed Christian Church of God Fellowship (RCCGF)
The Redeemed Christian Church of God Christian International Fellowship (RCCGF) is a Student based fellowship destined by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself to take the world for Him.
Reformed University Fellowship (RUF)
RUF holds to the core beliefs of historic Christianity, which motivates our heart for God and love for the University. Regardless of your beliefs or doubts, RUF is a place for you to explore Christianity and grow in your understanding of who Jesus is and what it means to follow him in community with others at UH. We welcome students from any and all walks of life. We are here for the convinced and the unconvinced.
ReJOYce IN JESUS Campus Fellowship (RJCF)
ReJOYce IN Jesus Campus Fellowship is a college campus ministry that is affecting the lives of students at a critical time in their lives and is a part of the shaping of future leaders in this country. ReJOYce is also a partner with the universities to provide a fully rounded quality education and quality student life. RJCF is a able to address, minister into, and educate student in a critical aspect of their preparation for a career or profession - their spiritual life.
Salt & Light Christian Campus Ministry
Salt & Light Christian Campus Ministry strives to help students grow and mature in the Christian faith through the teachings of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod through worship, nurture, outreach, friendship, and service.
Secular Student Alliance at the University of Houston
We are a club that promotes secular and humanist values. A community for those who are Atheist, Nonreligious, Agnostic, Secular, Humanist, or just secular-friendly to converse and support one another in a world filled with a multiplicity of viewpoints.
The Indic Philosophy Society
We are an organization at the University of Houston dedicated to having a dialogue about living peaceful lives in the service of others using Ancient Hindu philosophy, a body of work on the nature of life and living.
The Loop College
True Life Change
Our purpose for this organization is to reconcile students back unto God by the true teachings of God's word. This organization teaches students holiness, altruism, servitude, leadership and academic excellence, by pushing students to follow after God with a pure heart. In addition to teaching the standards of God, this organization reaches out to students who may be facing difficulties and hardships from adjusting to campus life and being away from home.
United Campus Ministry of Greater Houston (UCM)
The goal of United Campus Ministry of Greater Houston is to demonstrate the transforming power of the love and grace of God, inviting students, faculty, and staff into a personal and deepening relationship with Jesus Christ, and preparing them to be leaders in the faith communities to which God calls them.
United Mission for Relief and Development (UMR)
UMR integrates our global partners’ services to provide comprehensive relief and development aid to underserved communities around the world. UMR accomplishes this humanitarian mission by blending advocacy, youth mobilization, disaster response, aid delivery, and empowerment through education. We are the UMR Houston Chapter.
Winners Campus Fellowship
Winners Chapel International Houston is designed in a unique way to enhance the value of every individual and set them up for supernatural accomplishments. This ministry is specifically focused on raising people with a difference.
Young Life College
In a statement, Young Life is about partying with a purpose. Young Life College is a Christian-based organization that helps you grow spiritually by building a community that you can safely and comfortably pursue your faith in a fun and relaxed way!
Zen Circle at UH
The Zen Circle is a student club dedicated to Zen Buddhism, providing a serene space amidst the hectic academic life. Our mission is to offer a sanctuary for students to find inner peace and strength to face life’s challenges. !