Leadership Council
Dean Strombom (M.Arch. '80) - Chair
Retired, Former Principal and Strategy Leader, Gensler
Marilyn Archer, FIIDA, ASID, LEED AP
Principal and Founder, archer + eby design
Retired Professional Services Firm Practice Area Leader and Principal, Gensler
Michelle Atkinson, IIDA
Managing Director and Principal, IA Interior Architects – Houston Office
Marc Bellamy (B.Arch. '00)
Principal - Design + Architecture, PDR
Deborah Brochstein
CEO and Owner, Brochsteins Inc.
Margaret Wallace Brown, AICP, CNU-A (B.S. '83)
Former Director, City of Houston Planning and Development Department
Arturo “Art” Chavez, AIA, LEED AP (B.Arch. '90)
Senior Principal, Page
Thomas E. “Chip” Clarke
President | Western U.S., Transwestern
Michael Desguin, AIA
Senior Vice President of Conceptual Construction, Hines
Paul Donovan
Retired Real Estate Executive, ExxonMobil
Andrea Downs
President, DEBNER
Stephen Driver
Senior Vice President/Partner, Harvey Builders
Benito Guerrier (M.Arch. '91)
Executive Vice President, Kirksey Architecture
Chris G. Hines
Director, rand* construction corporation
Angela Hodson
Chief Philanthropy Officer, YMCA of Greater Houston
Lauri Goodman Lampson (BFA ‘88)
President & CEO, PDR
Gary Longbotham (BFA '73)
Principal, J. Tyler Office Furniture & Services
Keith Probyn
Former Vice President Real Estate Americas, Shell US, Inc.
Joe Webb, AIA (B.Arch. '71)
Founder and Principal, Webb Architects