Community Partnerships

The College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences at UH partners with local and regional groups and organizations to further the mission of the university “to discover and disseminate knowledge … through research, artistic and scholarly endeavors. (The university) establishes and nurtures relationships with community organizations, government agencies, public schools, and the private sector to enhance the educational, economic, and cultural vitality of Houston and Texas.”
CLASS community partnerships make Houston – and our world – stronger.
Alvin Community College
Cadets engaged in Air Force ROTC Detachment 003 from various Houston-area colleges and universities – including Alvin Community College – attend ROTC classes at the University of Houston under a crosstown agreement.
College of the Mainland
Cadets engaged in Air Force ROTC Detachment 003 from various Houston-area colleges and universities – including College of the Mainland – attend ROTC classes at the University of Houston under a crosstown agreement.
Dress for Success
The Women and Gender Resource Center partners with the Dress for Success program, which is a nonprofit agency in the Houston community that provides interview clothing for job seekers who could not otherwise afford a business suit.
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University-Houston Campus
Cadets engaged in Air Force ROTC Detachment 003 from various Houston-area colleges and universities – including Embry Riddle Aeronautical University-Houston Campus – attend ROTC classes at the University of Houston under a crosstown agreement.
Houston Baptist University
Cadets engaged in Air Force ROTC Detachment 003 from various Houston-area colleges and universities – including Houston Baptist University – attend ROTC classes at the University of Houston under a crosstown agreement.
Houston Community College
Cadets engaged in Air Force ROTC Detachment 003 from various Houston-area colleges and universities – including Houston Community College – attend ROTC classes at the University of Houston under a crosstown agreement.
The Houston Medical Forum
The Center for Public History partners with The Houston Medical Forum to research, write, produce and maintain a website called To Bear Fruit for Our Race, which is used to teach the local history of African-American physicians to students in Houston.
Since 1983 Inprint, Houston’s premier literary arts nonprofit organization has impacted 500+ graduate students through fellowships and support. Inprint also employs graduate students from the Creative Writing Program for summer Writers Workshops, Teachers As Writers Workshops, Senior Memoir Workshops, Life Writing Workshops for healthcare workers, as well as Poetry Buskers, bloggers, tweeters, and more.
League of Women Voters
A partnership with the Political Science Department and the Hobby School of Public Affairs works with the League of Women Voters of the Houston Area by conducting lectures and research and recruiting volunteers for voter registration, civic engagement and naturalization projects.
This partnership also places interns with the League of Women Voters through the Civic Houston Internship Program a part-time government and public service internship program. Approximately 100 students are placed annually in offices of elected officials and with non-profit organizations such as the League of Women Voters of the Houston Area.
Lone Star College System
Cadets engaged in Air Force ROTC Detachment 003 from various Houston-area colleges and universities – including all campuses within the Lone Star College System – attend ROTC classes at the University of Houston under a crosstown agreement.
Rice University
Cadets engaged in Air Force ROTC Detachment 003 from various Houston-area colleges and universities, including Rice University attend Military Science and Military History classes at the University of Houston under a crosstown agreement.
San Jacinto College
Cadets engaged in Air Force ROTC Detachment 003 from various Houston-area colleges and universities – including San Jacinto College – attend ROTC classes at the University of Houston under a crosstown agreement.
South Texas College of Law
Cadets engaged in Air Force ROTC Detachment 003 from various Houston-area colleges and universities – including South Texas College of Law – attend ROTC classes at the University of Houston under a crosstown agreement.
Texas Legislature
A partnership with the Political Science Department and the Hobby School of Public Affairs places students in district offices of state legislators through the Civic Houston Internship Program, a part-time government and public service internship program. Approximately 100 students are placed annually in offices of elected officials including state senators and representatives and with non-profit organizations.
Prairie View A&M University
Cadets engaged in Air Force ROTC Detachment 003 from various Houston-area colleges and universities – including Prairie View A&M University – attend ROTC classes at the University of Houston under a crosstown agreement.
Texas Southern University
Cadets engaged in Air Force ROTC Detachment 003 from various Houston-area colleges and universities – including Texas Southern University – attend ROTC classes at the University of Houston under a crosstown agreement.
United States Congress
A partnership with the Political Science Department and the Hobby school of Public Affairs directs the Leland Fellows program, which places students from the University of Houston which places students from the University of Houston as full-time interns in congressional offices in Washington, D.C.
This partnership also places students in congressional district offices through the Civic Houston Internship Program, a part-time government and public service internship program. Approximately 100 students are placed annually in offices of elected officials including Houston area congressional members and with non-profit organizations.
University of Houston-Clear Lake
Cadets engaged in Air Force ROTC Detachment 003 from various Houston-area colleges and universities – including University of Houston-Clear Lake– attend ROTC classes at the University of Houston under a crosstown agreement.
University of Houston-Downtown
Cadets engaged in Air Force ROTC Detachment 003 from various Houston-area colleges and universities – including University of Houston-Downtown – attend ROTC classes at the University of Houston under a crosstown agreement.
University of Houston-Victoria
Cadets engaged in Air Force ROTC Detachment 003 from various Houston-area colleges and universities – including University of Houston-Victoria – attend ROTC classes at the University of Houston under a crosstown agreement.
University of St. Thomas
Cadets engaged in Air Force ROTC Detachment 003 from various Houston-area colleges and universities – including University of St. Thomas – attend ROTC classes at the University of Houston under a crosstown agreement.
University of Texas Health Science Center
Cadets engaged in Air Force ROTC Detachment 003 from various Houston-area colleges and universities – including University of Texas Health Science Center – attend ROTC classes at the University of Houston under a crosstown agreement.
University of Texas-Pan America
The Hispanic Studies department combines its resources with the University of Texas-Pan American in a cooperative Ph.D. program in Spanish called Pathways to the Professoriate, and is funded in part by a grant by the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary EducationUnited Way
The University Speech, Language and Hearing Clinic: A United Way agency provides clinical services through five Houston-area and suburban community centers. The Clinic is affiliated with the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders in the college.
The Jack J. Valenti School of Communication partners with the nonprofit WonderWorks organization to provide two summer workshops for high school students, one that focuses on filmmaking, scripting, and film appreciation and a second that examines journalism.
Writers in the Schools
The non-profit organization Writers in the Schools frequently hires students from The Creative Writing Program for 28-week residencies that place creative writers in schools, museums, hospitals and other venues.
More CLASS Partnerships
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