Visiting Scholar: The Visiting Scholar Program aims to support postdoctoral scholars whose research focus on Mexican American and Latinx studies regardless of the disciplinary focus.
Graduate Fellowship: The Graduate Fellowship Program is designed to recruit outstanding students who have demonstrated an interest in the advancement of the Mexican American or Latino community. Learn more
Gustavo H. Villalpando Scholarship: The Gustavo H. Villapando Scholarship for Foreign-Born Students and the Gustavo H. Villalpando Excelente Scholarship have been established to provide students who are minoring in Mexican American Studies educational opportunities. Learn more
Multicultural Success Scholarship: The goal of the scholarship is to allow students to earn university credit, live with a host family, and participate in a Spanish and cultural immersion program. Learn more
Scholarships/Fellowships Directory: A listing of scholarships and fellowships relevant to Mexican American and Latino/a students. Learn more
Lydia Mendoza Fellowship: A native of Houston, Lydia Mendoza earned many honors in her long singing career, during which she became known as "La Alondra de la Frontera" (the meadowlark of the border) and "La Cancionera de los Pobres" (the songstress of the poor). In 1971, she performed at the Smithsonian Festival of American Folklife in Montreal, Canada; in 1975, she performed for President Jimmy Carter at the John F. Kennedy Center in Washington. She was inducted into the Tejano Music Hall of Fame in 1984 and into the Conjunto Music Hall of Fame in 1991. Learn more