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Student Prizes

Ernesto Valdes Oral History Prize


The late Ernesto Valdes was the director of the CPH Oral History of Houston project. A former attorney and history enthusiast, Valdes was instrumental to the Houston History Project and was a regular contributing writer to Houston History Magazine.

Award Details:

Ernesto Valdes Oral History Prize, sponsored and awarded by the University of Houston Center for Public History.

Amount: $200.00

This award honors the graduate student who makes the best use of oral history in an article, thesis or dissertation chapter, seminar paper, conference paper, or public history project during the past year.


  • Applicants must be a currently enrolled, full-time graduate student in the History Department, on the UH Main campus

  • Complete / submit online application form

  • In the application form, upload your current resume or CV

  • In the application form, upload a copy of (or the link to) your article, thesis or dissertation chapter, seminar paper, conference paper, or public history project that makes use of oral history

  • In the application form, upload a list of 2-3 faculty in the History Department whom could be contacted as references

**The Application Deadline has been extended to April 3rd, 2025.

 Click to Submit an Application for the Valdes Prize


Joseph A. Pratt Houston History Prize


UH Professor Emeritus of History and former Editor in Chief of Houston History Magazine, Joe Pratt dedicated his career to teaching, writing, and mentoring university students.

Award Details:

Joseph A. Pratt Houston History Prize, sponsored and awarded by the University of Houston Center for Public History.

Amount: $200.00

This award honors the graduate student with the best article, thesis or dissertation chapter, seminar paper, conference paper, or public history project that focuses on any topic related to the history of the greater Houston region in the past year. The award was created to honor Professor Joseph A. Pratt, NEH-Cullen Professor of History and Business and founder and director of the Houston History Project (now known as the Welcome Wilson Houston History Collaborative) for his many contributions to the history of Houston and the region.


  • Applicants must be a currently enrolled, full-time graduate student in the History Department, on the UH Main campus

  • Complete / submit online application form

  • In the application form, upload your current resume or CV

  • In the application form, upload a copy (or the link to) your article, thesis or dissertation chapter, seminar paper, conference paper, or public history project that focuses on any topic related to the history of the greater Houston region in the past year

  • In the application form, upload a list of 2-3 faculty in the History Department whom could be contacted as references 

**The Application Deadline has been extended to April 3rd, 2025.

Click to Submit an Application for the Pratt Prize