Sylvia Weinberg History Interview by Amy Murrell
I have a grandson who has been working for some years for an organization whose purpose is to bring democratic values to developing nations. He was appointed to Kazakhstan and worked there for two years. His experience wasn’t all that different than Peace Corps kind of a thing. He’s much more of a natural than I was, but he’s also fifty years younger than I was, or am, and it’s working with different problems.
I forgot one thing. There was a march on the United Nations Building for peace, and I was interested in peace, needless to say, and somehow picked up and decided, “I’m going to this.” And I wanted to bring my grandchildren. So two of them came with me, and we marched. You have no idea the emphasis, the way that has stuck with them. They’re now in their thirties, and one of them wrote me a letter, something how it had affected his life, and being able to be part of a movement or a social cause that you believe in was a technique that I learned, maybe not from Wednesdays, maybe from Wednesdays was a culmination of it. I learned it from other people. This is passed around with a degree or tuition costs. I pride myself that on at least two of my grandchildren and one of my kids are much more effective human beings than they would have been if I hadn’t had that experience, and I think that’s very important.