English Undergraduate Advising

The English Undergraduate Advising
Our academic advisors will assist students throughout their undergraduate studies by:
- Assisting in planning academic and professional goals
- Empowering students' understanding of UH degree requirements and responsibilities
- Connecting students with academic support resources (LAUNCH, Writing Center)
- Encouraging exploration and involvement in student-led campus activities
- Providing referrals or solutions to academic problems
- Reviewing of graduation criteria and admission preparation towards graduate programs.
The English advising offices are located in the Roy G. Cullen Building, Suite 124 and we can be reached by contacting the main office extension at (713) 743-3004 or via email at engladv@central.uh.edu for general advising questions.
English Department Advisor
Scheduling an Advising Appointment
- Students interested in becoming an English major are encouraged to make an appointment with Ms. Martinez.
- All current English majors are required to be advised at least once a semester to ensure that they remain on track with degree requirements.
- All appointments are scheduled through the Navigate Student portal via MyUH accounts.