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Dr. McFarlin's Research Study at the Austin Marathon Featured on KXAN Austin News.
HHP faculty Dr. Brian McFarlin recruited marathon runners at the Austin marathon for a study that will examine exercise and the immune system.
The study revolves around how the stress exercise places on a body makes it susceptible to infection and illness. Dr. McFarlin's study was featured in a prime time segment on Austin's KXAN news on Feb 18th 2011.
Click on the image below to see the clip:

Below are some pics from the UH booth at the Austin Marathon expo:
The UH booth at the Austin Marathon expo (Image from KXAN Austin)
Grad Students unpacking supplies (Image from KXAN Austin)
Getting the clipboards ready (Image from KXAN Austin)
The report was also featured on the KXAN website, below is an excerpt from the report.
"If we know it [the supplement] boosts the immune system and a marathon suppresses the immune system. We think it’s a way we can help runners improve their health after the marathon," said McFarlin. Half of the study participants will receive a placebo, while the other half gets a supplement. The participants will fill out a daily survey for four weeks to see how well the supplement works. "We know what it does," said McFarlin. "We’ve tested it in the laboratory. We know exactly what it does under those situations. It’s time to test it in a practical situation." |
Read the full report on the KXAN website.