Exercise Science

Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science (Health Profession Option)
The Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science (Health Profession Option) is a degree plan designed to prepare students to apply for post-graduate professional programs in Physical Therapy and other post-graduate programs in the health professions arena. Students preparing to apply for professional programs after graduation must complete the degree requirements and the prerequisites for the post-graduate health profession of their choice. Students earning a degree in the Exercise Science will have coursework in the science of exercise and sports, biomechanics, physiology, motor behavior, measurement, physical fitness, and sports medicine.
Exercise Science Track - Health Professions Option checklist (Note: Degree plans can vary each year - please consult with your HHP advisor for your degree plan year)
Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science (Primary Option)
The Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science (Primary Option) is a degree plan designed to prepare students to apply for post-graduate professional programs in Occupational Therapy, Personal/Athletic Training, Strength and Conditioning, Wellness and other post-graduate programs in the health professions arena. Students preparing to apply for professional programs after graduation must complete the degree requirements and the prerequisites for the post-graduate health profession of their choice. Students earning a degree in the Exercise Science will coursework in the science of exercise and sports, biomechanics, physiology, motor behavior, measurement, physical fitness, and sports medicine.
Exercise Science Track - Primary Option checklist (Note: Degree plans can vary each year - please consult with your HHP advisor for your degree plan year)
Research Labs
Pre-Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy Society (PTOTS)
Email ptots.uh@gmail.com if you would like to join PTOTS