HHP Faculty's Food Stamp Challenge Featured in News Media.
HHP faculty Dr. Daphne Hernandez's class on nutrition policy has been in the news recently for a $25 Food Stamp Challenge undertaken by students in the class. Students have to budget and the live for a week on a budget of $25, which is about the average weekly amount available for a single adult eligible for benefits under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Below are images and media reports featuring the Food Stamp Challenge.
Dr. Daphne Hernandez
Dr. Hernandez is also participating in the week long challenge along with her students, she tweeted a pic of her purchases for the week.
(Source:Twitter @DCHernandezPhD)
KHOU 11 News Houston
KHOU 11's Mia Gradney featured Dr. Hernandez's class in a segment titled Health Wise. Click on the image below to watch the clip:

HHP student being interviewed by KHOU 11 News at the Gulfgate HEB in Houston.
ABC 13 News Houston
Click on the image below to watch ABC 13's coverage of Dr. Hernandez's class:

KUHF Houston Public Radio
Dr. Hernandez's class was featured on KUHF 88.7 Houston Public Radio's Morning Edition by David Pitman. You can listen to the segment below:
Read the article on the KUHF website
The Houston Chronicle
Below is a excerpt from the Chronicle:
The $25 grocery limit - what some might blow in a week on fancy lattes - represents the average amount a food stamp recipient gets for a week of groceries. As Chishty and her classmates found out, that sum - roughly $1 a meal - leaves little to spare for coffee, spices, butter, meat or fresh foods.
"I take food for granted," said Chishty, a Sugar Land native who hopes to become a dietitian when she graduates in the summer of 2015. "I don't even look at the prices. I just put everything in my cart and swipe my debit card."
Read the entire article on the Chronicle website
UH News
An excerpt from UH News:
Most of the students will go on to careers in health or public policy, and the experience can shape their decisions, Hernandez said. “Think about what you would recommend to Congress,” she told them. “If you’re working in a community center, think about what you would recommend to clients. This is different from a simulation. This is real.”
The exercise won’t end when Hernandez and the students resume their regular diets on Feb. 23. Students will record everything they eat for the week, determining the number of calories, fat, vitamins and minerals, generating a class nutrition data set for analysis. Students will be able to present their findings at the University’s Undergraduate Research Day.