HHP Directory

Research Interests
Dr. Jackson’s research has been in area of measurement of human performance, focusing on body composition, aerobic capacity, muscular strength and validation studies for physically demanding jobs. Dr. Jackson is the director of the Udde Research Institute and Rowing Club.
Recent Publications
Jackson AS, Ellis, KJ, McFarlin, BK, Sailor, MH, Bray, M.S. Body Mass Index Bias in Defining Obesity of Diverse Young Adults: The TIGER Study. British Journal of Nutrition, 2009;6:1-7
Jackson AS, Sui X, Hébert JR, Church TS, Blair SN. Effects of Lifestyle and Aging on the Longitudinal Change in Cardiorespiratory Fitness. Archives of Internal Medicine . In Press.
Jackson AS, Ellis, KJ, McFarlin, BK, Sailor, MH, Bray, M.S. (2008) Cross-validation of generalised equations with diverse young men and women: the Training Intervention and Genetic of Exercise Response (TIGER) STUDY. British Journal of Nutrition. 2009;101:871-8.
McFarlin BK, Jackson AS (2008). Development of an online university-based physical activity and obesity education program. Diabetes Educator 34:766-776.
Sailors ML, Folsom AR, Ballantyne CM, Hoelscher DM, Jackson AS, Kao WHL, Pankow JS, Bray MS (2007) Genetic variation and decreased risk for obesity in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 9:548-557.
Jackson, A.S. (2007) Estimating maximum heart rate from age: Is it a linear relationship? Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 39: 821
Jackson, AS; Green, DJ (2007) Validity of skinfolds to measure change Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2007 39: 210-211.
Jackson, A.S., (2006) The evolution and validity of health-related fitness. Quest 58:160-175.
Wier, L.T., Jackson, A.S., Ayers, G.W., Arenare, B. (2006) Nonexercise modes for estimating VO2max with waist girth, percent fat, or BMI. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 38:555-561.
Jurca, R., Jackson, A.S., LaMonte, M.J., Morrow, J.R., Blair, S.N., Wareham, N.J., Haskell, W.L., VanMechelen, W., Church, T.S., Jakicic, J.M., Laukkanen, R. (2005). Assessing cardiorespiratory fitness without performing exercise testing. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 29(3): 185-193.
Batterham AM, Jackson AS. (2005) Allometric cascade model and metabolic rate - Response. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology. 146 (1): 3-4 .
Jackson, A.S., Pollock, M.L. (2004) Generalized equations for predicting body density of men (Reprinted from British Journal of Nutrition, vol 40, pg 497, 1978) British Journal of Nutrition 91 (1): 161-168.
Jackson, A.S. , Kampert, J.B., Barlow, C.E., Morrow, J.R., Church, T.S., Blair, S.N. (2004) Longitudinal changes in cardiorespiratory fitness: measurement error or true change? Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 36:1175-1180.
Stanforth, P. R., A. S. Jackson, J. S. Green, J. Gagnon, T. Rankinen, J. DesprZs, C. Bouchard, A. S. Leon, D. C. Rao, J. S. Skinner & J. H. Wilmore. (2004). Generalized abdominal visceral fat prediction models for black and white adults age 17-65: The HERITAGE Family Study. International Journal of Obesity. 28:925-932.
Suminski, R.R., Ryan, N.D., Poston, C.S., Jackson, A.S. (2004) Measuring aerobic fitness of Hispanic youth 10 to 12 years of age. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 25:71-67.
Wier LT, Jackson AS, Ayers GW, et al. Waist girth as a surrogate for body composition in the non-exercise model for estimating VO2 max. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 36 (5): S89-S89 0604 Suppl.
Batterham, A.M., Jackson, A.S. (2003) Validity of the allometric cascade model at submaximal and maximal metabolic rates in exercising men. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology 135:103-106.
Jackson, A.S., Stanforth, P.R., Gagnon, J., Rankinen, T., Leon, A.S., Rao, D.C., Skinner, J.S., Bouchard, C., Wilmore, J.H. (2002). The effect of sex, age, and race on estimating percent body fat from BMI: the HERITAGE Family Study. International Journal of Obesity. 26:789-796, 2002.
O'Connor DP, Jackson AS. (2001). Predicting physical therapy visits needed to achieve minimal functional goals after arthroscopic knee surgery. Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 31:340-358, 2001.
Wier, L.T., Ayers, G.W., Jackson, A.S., Rossum, A.C., Postom, W.S. Carlos, and Foreyt, J.P. (2001) Determining the amount of physical activity needed for long-term weight control. International Journal of Obesity, 25,613-621, 2001.
Blair, S.N. and Jackson A.S. (2001) Editorial to Accompany: Physical fitness and activity as separate heart disease risk factors: a meta-analysis. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 33:762-764.
O'Connor DP, Jackson AS (2001) Predicting physical therapy visits needed to achieve minimal functional goals after arthroscopic knee surgery - Author response. Journal of Orthopoaedic and Sports Physical Therapy 31 (7): 356-358.
Hui, S.C., Jackson, A.S., Wier L.T. (2000). Development of normative values for resting and exercise rate pressure product. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 32:1520-1527.
Laughlin MS, Jackson AS, Bray MS. (2000), Physical activity and CETP polymorphisms as predictors HDL cholesterol levels . Obesity Research 9: 105S-105S Suppl.
Books and Book Chapters
Jackson, S. A. (2006). Preemployment physical testing. In T.M. Wood & W. Zhu (Eds.). Measurement Theory and Practice in Kinesiology. pp. 315-345. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Baumgartner, T. A., Jackson, A. S., Mahar, M.T., Rowe, D.A. (2006). Measurement for Evaluation in Physical Education and Exercise Science. (7th ed.). Dubuque: McGraw-Hill.
Jackson, A. S. (2000b). Chapter 7 Legal Issues. In S. Constable, Palmer, B. (Ed.), The Process of Physical Fitness Standards Development: SOAR (pp. 201-220). WPAFB, Ohio: Human Systems Information Analysis Center.
Jackson, A. S. (2000a). Chapter 4 Types of Physical Performance Tests. In S. Constable, Palmer, B. (Ed.), The Process of Physical Fitness Standards Development: SOAR (pp. 101-137). WPAFB, Ohio: Human Systems Information Analysis Center.
Hodgdon, J. A., Jackson, A.S. (2000). Chapter 5 Physical Test Validation for Job Selection. In S. Constable, Palmer, B. (Ed.), The Process of Physical Fitness Standards Development: SOAR (pp. 139-177). WPAFB, Ohio: Human Systems Information Analysis Center.
B.S., St. Cloud State University
M.A., University of Minnesota
P.E.D., Indiana University